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My grandson is 12 years old...that a year older than me ,when I took my first taste of nicotine ..

He is a keen rugby and football player....all his life it been Nana playing football with him ....

Because his Grandad has emphysema.... On and off oxygen..so he carnt play ....

I had a very serious conversation with him last year...telling him about the dangers of smoking...and this is why his grandad carnt breath...

And why my feet were in danger of being separated from me...no feet ..no football...no rugby....brutal ..but honest....

He seemed to totally get it !!!....after promising never to smoke ...and giving us both a hug ...he went on his merry way...

I only hope ..he remembers our chat for many years to come ...


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I thought I had replied to this. Perhaps I’m losing it. 


Its pretty bad seeing a kid looking to smoke but I still thought it was weird that some were smoking themselves and at the same time telling the kid it will kill them. 


Im just hating this addiction at the moment. People doing it and knowing it will hurt them. People starting when they are kids. 



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I'm  upset, cause I am. 

But the reaction of the smokers. Really... it's a bit diferent from what I had when I was an underage smoker.... they really wanted a stop to this addiction. You have got cheer that !!!  

Please really please. We have come a long way from my my youth. 

50!per cent of folk smoked. 

Now it's less it's down to 12 per cent now in Australia.

There are kids out that have never seen anyone smoke! 

2 and 1/2 year example from me.

I hope my grandkids don't smoke, 

regards Dave 


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