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I was thumbing through some pics on my phone last night and I came across this one.  The quality and content are pretty poor, but there's a tremendous amount of significance I associate with this picture.


This picture was taken at 6:36 AM on 11/29/2015.  It was exactly one week after I quit smoking and I had a terrible night's sleep due to quit-associated anxiety and insomnia.  I rolled out of bed shortly after 6 AM and thought, "I'm gonna hop in my car and go buy some cigarettes.....I just can't take it any more."  I was feeling total despair and gut wrenching cravings.


Well, the store didn't open until 7 AM, so I got out of my car and paced the parking lot.  I snapped a quick pic of the sun hitting the foothills shortly after sunrise.  At that time, I knew nothing about "NOPE" or "distract" or "breathe".  But somehow all those concepts were buried deep in my brain.  I thought, "I've made it this far, and I would be so stupid to ditch all the efforts I've exerted so far."


I decided to drive my car down the street and take an early morning walk along a small stream.  That moment of misery passed and here I am 2-1/2 years later so grateful that I was able to win that most difficult battle of my quit.


To those who are newly quit: your commitment, strength and determination are most needed in the early days. But keep in mind that when you get past these trials (and it does get easier), you will be changing your life from a picture of despair to a picture of health and freedom.





Edited by BKP
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Beautiful picture, and beautiful story.  I love when fate steps in and gives us opportunities to re-think our impulses!


What part of CA was this picture taken in?  My son lives in San Diego and my father's family lives at the other end of the state in Redding.  But, I don't recognize this sight at all.

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