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I want to post about the stupid shit on Facebook. It's called buddybook cause of the show My Name is Earl when he made a profile for his ex-wife Joy and fake friends.

Now I can't post this there as my friends, real people too, unlike this imaginary group in here, would figure out who I am talking about.

So first moron...posts only shit about the 80s. The 80s sucked.  Music was ok but mostly bad, clothes sucked and I was a broke high school or Army kid.  I know they peaked in 1985 but come on. You had to have done something more than get high after school in your life.


Second idiot posts about stalkers bothering her but at same time some lame body pic of a tattoo or most recent bruise on her knee. Don't know this person well but figured out she was a model in 90s and part of the music scene in Pittsburgh.  Everyone knows Pittsburghs famous music scene and groupies? No? Cause there isn't one  Donnie Iris....big deal. Like if there is no current man problem, let's stir the pot and make one with bragging about her two new "accidental caught my skin in zipper but it look like a vampire bit me on the belly" pictures. She is killing my brain.  But it's a train wreck I like looking at.

Last one I will mention today....potato farmer from God's carnival (Ohio for you newbies) guy makes less sense than me here and even less in Buddyland.  More later. Feel free to post your own.

Edited by bakon
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Seems more and more people are just sharing links or posting again about how depressed they are.

Fb is really bad about wanting to collect more and more info and acting like it is a game.

Just stupid stuff like - Post your parents' birth dates and cities and we will tell you what Harry Potter character you are.

I guess they have to cause for some odd reason people are hesitant to share things on the web.


I am guessing a potato farmer in Ohio has an exciting life. Ohio isn't even a real place is it?


There is one girl on my Fb page who has a habit of talking about how depressed she is. She ain't even married nor got kids! Two of the biggest things to ruin one's life she has not.

Another one has a habit of posting about how awesome fat women are.


Most of the rest of them, not too much. Their lives are not exciting enough to share on FB.

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Hmmmm ...

  I don’t remember buying a potato farm...

BUT... if I would regularly post to buddy book, I’m sure it would be senseless bits of info that you could live without... 

  I mean.... isn’t it ALL stupid shit ? ?

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facebook aka "look at how my life is great". Back in my moms youth people wouldnt tell a damn thing about their lives. they were smart. now this kids even post the food they eat. its all stupid

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I use Facebook, it is a way to connect with family far away, if used properly, and I have "met" new people on there also. I also have a life so there is that. I do tend to scroll past or block those posts that are unnecessary or annoying...easy to do. I don't believe I post how "great" my life is or is not. But there is a fair share of drama queens on there the key is to not be their friends unless it entertains you then.... you can choose who you follow and who you don't. 


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7 hours ago, MrTitwank said:

facebook aka "look at how my life is great". Back in my moms youth people wouldnt tell a damn thing about their lives. they were smart. now this kids even post the food they eat. its all stupid

See that is why it don't make no sense. Even during the early parts of the modern web, around 1995 for sake of argument, people were warned not to share too much personal info.

Then along comes social media as we have known it since maybe myspace and suddenly people want to share everything. Then people started getting in very real trouble over things posted. Divorce, jail, fired from their jobs...


Now it seems some people are wanting their privacy back. Why didn't they think of real world consequences when they had been warned?

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I'm not on Facebook.  Never have been.  Don't have any intention of signing up.  There was a local news story about a lady who shared a lot of personal information on Facebook.  Announced her vacation plans, full itinerary apparently, and posted up-to-date photos of herself soaking up the sun at some island locale.  With this information in-hand, one of her more nefarious Facebook "friends" broke into her house while she was gone and robbed her blind.


So, you know...try to avoid that.

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9 hours ago, MrTitwank said:

facebook aka "look at how my life is great". 


I thought Instagram had replaced Facebook in the whole "I'm the king of the world and my shit doesn't stink" realm of social media narcissism.


Damn kids and their phones...I can't keep up anymore.

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Boo, that is true. One often uses whatever brand of social media to document each moment of their lives.

The sad part is that their friends really do not care nor even pay attention. However, the criminals ARE paying attention.


Here is a strange one for those of us who remember what a big deal 1984 was.


Remember how 1984 they thought the feds would be watching us so close because of some book by George Orwell? The year came and went without incident EXCEPT - it was the year Zuckerberg (owner of FB) was born. So, The biggest invasion to privacy was born that year but it would take a few decades to solidify.

Kind of makes you wonder what happened on Dec 21 2012 that we may not see for some time.


Now where is my tin foil hat?

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Boo- nobody is going to friend you, and even if one window licker did, they don't want your Beastie Boy t shirt


I will say I don't post a bunch of useful stuff there but have connected with only friends there and then met up in my travels. Those not on it, don't be afraid, just don't post anything you wouldn't say in front of your mother...wish more followed that rule.


Joe- your not the farmer. He knows who he is...


Buddybook is good for laughs too, but politics are annoying. And anyone with a cause can find a picture I would prefer not to see. 


But the fake news on it is great. MAD magazine type stuff.


And the selfies are great to.  

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On 4/9/2018 at 7:41 PM, bakon said:

Boo- nobody is going to friend you, and even if one window licker did, they don't want your Beastie Boy t shirt


Don't hate the player, hate the game.


Edited by Boo
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