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So Here it starts again, 3 Days Of Withdrawls


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I really screwed my self, had a great quite going and got cocky in No Mans Lands.   Thought I could just smoke one and I did for a little while, then another and another up to yesterday where I was smoking Daily.  So Lesson learned

I am back to the hard candies and telling myself NOPE and  Not Again. Not looking forward to this,  I believe it is going to be tougher this time than the last.

Smoked my last yesterday about 4pm and have my start date for today, figured having a totally clean day is a good way to start.

Jill, Lyn, Dooreen, Johnny  Thank you for the friendly invite into your community.    OFF and Running

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Well, that was a valuable lesson you learned then from your previous attempt. It really is all about the NOPE. There is no other way to bet through this. I hope you also realized from that experience just how devious this addiction is and how it will play tricks with your mind in order to lure you back. Don't listen this time. You know the drill. Hopefully your quit won't be any worse this time. I guess you won't know until you get into it.


A lot of people here to lend support along the way. I won't wish you "good luck" because as you know, luck has nothing to do with how this will turn out for you. Instead I'll hope that you have made a strong, unbreakable commitment to yourself :) That plus knowledge about this addiction will take you a long way!

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25 minutes ago, Opah said:

I really screwed my self, had a great quite going and got cocky in No Mans Lands.   Thought I could just smoke one and I did for a little while, then another and another up to yesterday where I was smoking Daily.  So Lesson learned

I am back to the hard candies and telling myself NOPE and  Not Again. Not looking forward to this,  I believe it is going to be tougher this time than the last.

Smoked my last yesterday about 4pm and have my start date for today, figured having a totally clean day is a good way to start.

Jill, Lyn, Dooreen, Johnny  Thank you for the friendly invite into your community.    OFF and Running


It could be tougher this time....it could be easier.

The best scenario is that it will be your LAST time going through this

so, power through Opah, power through.

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You have to replace the cigg with something else, try a walk when the crave comes. Breathing (deep breath hold it 2-3 sec exhale)... I used dumbbells as well until that crave went away. Drink lots of water and some candy for sugar if needed 

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That was the lesson learned Berry,  I believed that after long enough the addiction was lost and set out to prove that.

it amazed me how fast receptors turned back on and old programs I thought were long dead and gone started replaying.

I do not want to be a smoker and now have excepted there is no in between  I am or I am not a non- smoker.

I choose to not be a smoker, I choose health and longevity,  I choose to be a active part in my Grand children's lives 

, no wheezing and huffing and puffing.  We are going to run, play, fish and hunt for years to come.

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Hey Opah, I'm glad you've chosen to join us.


It can only ever be your choice and you have to make the right one over and over again, but there is a great support network here.


Take your time, hopefully settle in and relax with the company here. Many people have listed their individual reasons for quitting in the pre respond to your own SOS topic. Consider whether that is worth doing for you as well.


And the daily Nope, I know on the days I struggle (and I do struggle) that first thing in the morning commitment helps me make it through the day.


Catch you around.

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I think we are all familiar with "just one".


The good news is you know you CAN quit.


Each day you make it through without a smoke, just remember those days when the bad ones hit. "Well I made it through such and such days, I can do it today also".

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Thank you, so far so good,  it has had it moments.  Happy for the weekend, haven't smoked at home so that should get me through the withdrawls

and then I can deal with the cravings, the only trigger is going to be driving again.

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Do something a little different when you start driving maybe? Open the window full & let the wind buffet your face, sing loud & proud to the radio or cd or whatever. Distraction to your normal routine normally helps trick your brain a little bit sometimes.

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Welcome back Opah. I can't tell you how happy I am to see you start this quit! And I KNOW you can do this.


I spent months looking forward to us celebrating our year quitaversaries together; now by golly you can't deprive me again of celebrating yours, even if it will be a little late! :) I'm marking my calendar for March 23 2019 for a big blowout. Be there for me, okay?


Remember the SOS system, you know it works. We're here for you.

Edited by Lin-quitting
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There is no such thing as one cigarette, Opah.  I've learned that painful lesson several times in the past.  You have to commit to never taking another puff. 


We will always be nicotine addicts but as long as we don't feed that addiction, it will eventually become dormant.   The key is never lighting up again.


I'm glad you are quitting again.  Stick close to this place.  We are here to help you.

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Good that you got back on the horse and came back to the forum. It's tough to lose a quit and then have to start all over again but it is a totally self-inflicted wound.


I also learned the painful lesson of no such thing as one cigarette. We are all addicts so one cigarette is a lifetime of smoking until we quit for good. Next time the thought of smoking creeps up remember that the addiction is just feeding you a bunch of lies to get you to feed it again. It's tough at the beginning but doable. The only way out of this addiction is to go through the process. It sucks but that is the way it is and eventually it . gets a whole lot easier.


I quit and then had only a few months to enjoy my smobriety before my lung cancer diagnosis so I look back fondly on those months of freedom...

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@onthemark - Is there an unintended extra zero on the "cigarettes avoided"? 295,450 avoided in 2 yr 8 months would mean smoking about 300 cigarettes a day.


So often people trying to quit use sugar as a substitute, like hard candy.

What is it about sugar that helps with nicotine cravings? My replacement was Pepsi. As in, I tend to drink more of it now.

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