In 2014, I decided to take control of my life - and quit smoking.
I am far from complacent - as I know that "only the vigilant quit endures" - but I feel confident.
Early in the quit, I developed some coping strategies for craves - one of which was a lot of walking (much to the Dog's delight!) This helped fill the extra time that I had suddenly found, and got me out and about into the fresh air.
Now - I am 124kg in my socks. 273 pounds give or take.
I'm 5'10.
Allegedly my ideal weight is 58-80Kg. 127 pounds to 176 pounds. This is the BMI index calculation.
Now - my Doctor has told me that BMI is a flawed system - which is good - as I have more chance of winning Miss World than I do of ever weighing 127 pounds and still being alive.
I'm a barrel-chested Celt, and mant, many moons ago when I was a fit Rugby player, the lightest I was was 100 Kg.
So then - this is my weight target.
Under 100kg or 220 pounds by the end of 2015.
That's a neat 20% of my bodyweight.
Will I get there?
Yep. I quit smoking. I can do anything.
I think that is the message. Quitting smoking can, quite literally save you from a horrible death. But quitting smoking does so much more. It empowers you. It emboldens you. It gives you a sense of iron will.
So, 2014. I quit smoking
2015 I'm going to lose weight and get fit.