Good morning my lovely fellow quitters.... today is World Press Freedom Day... and on world press freedom day I like to remember the Balibo Five, Tim Lopes, The Charlie Hedbo attacks and all other journos killed trying to bring us the truth, even if it is just fake news.
Fersdee Fun Fact: Lets talk stupid laws, in Victoria it is illegal for anyone to change a light bulb who isn't a qualified sparky (electrician) The fine for doing so is $10 per light bulb, I'll risk it. Also in Victoria, Under the Rain Making Control Act of 1967 it’s against the law to make rain clouds. The making of rain clouds is permitted as long as certain regulations are followed such as ensuring those employed in “carrying out rain-making operations” are qualified. But the stupidest law comes from Queensland where on the Gold Coast bikinis must not exceed more than six square inches of material.
So because i have the right to report what I want when I want, today I will report that it is a fine day to say:
Topic of the day: Historical Figures