About six months after I started smoking again, I invested in a vaping pen just to see what all the la, la was about. Initially, I was able to quit smoking cigarettes for about three days if memory serves me right but I never lost the urge to smoke real cigarettes. The coupe de gra however was that I developed a mild case of pneumonia from the vapor and had to quit. Yes, I did not heed the warning, not to drag the pen as often as a cigarette but even after I took fewer drags per hour, I still could not kick the urge to drag a cigarette here and there.
My pen was finally retired and I went back to a pack and a half a day, the pen did not work for me. Here at work a large percentage of the girls and staff smoke cigarettes and do the pen but none of them has successfully quit except for yours truly.
In conclusion, I believe that everyone who gives up smoking eventually has to quit cold turkey, even after months of supplemental stop smoking aids.
Just my opinion, good luck to anyone having difficulty making the final commitment to quit:)