...today at my dentist appointment, I learned that I'm growing NEW teeth instead. FML.
(Posting this here, figured it fit as I consider taking care of my teeth part of healthy living, and growing new teeth isn't really directly tied to quitting smoking ;0 )
I went in for a small cavity, and mentioned that my back teeth felt a bit odd now and then lately. Not painful, just...odd. An exam and a few x-rays later, and yes, at the lovely age of 43, more than 20 years after having my upper wisdom teeth removed, my lower wisdom teeth are finally growing in! One's already broken through the gums. I'm teething guys!! :blink:
And they're growing in such a way as to need removal sooner rather than later. So, I have some appointments with a specialist coming up and sometime in the next few weeks, dental surgery.
I'm glad I don't smoke anymore - I'm sure it will be so much easier to heal from this and I won't have to worry about dry socket as much. Whew. Still not looking forward to this though. Ugh.
And it's kind of funny that wisdom teeth are book-ending my smoking "career". I had the first set removed just before I started smoking. And I will have this set removed just after I stopped. Huh. :crazy: