OK, today has been OK, but a little bit challenging. First of all, I don't know if I feel nicotine withdrawal at all. I did last Saturday, but I think what I'm experiencing down is the psychological withdrawal and it is kicking my butt! I haven't caved in, but the constant badgering from my subconscious is wearing me out! Today I got in my car and actually put my hand into the little cubby where I used to stash my cigarette pack. Of course it's not there, but that's the first time I have ever just subconsciously reached in there to get a pack. I thought this was supposed to get better!!!! Maybe I'm just tired. I did not sleep well last night and am really exhausted and about to head up for bed. I'm glad you guys seem to be the sympathetic, patient types because I feel like I need to put something on here daily to keep myself on the straight and narrow. I think I still have some routines that I may need to change to avoid that little devil on my shoulder telling me to light up. There is a philosophy that says that you need to continue the same routines. You need to fight your way through them so that you can CONQUER them. I feel too weak for that right now What does everybody think? Fight or flight?