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Happy new year everyone! ... and let's keep on NOPEing!!!
NOPE (It's about time I started one of these myself :) )
(filing post in blog) Some quitters may have trouble with the never/ever part in NOPE (Not One Puff Ever) or NTAP (Never Take Another Puff) To tell you the truth, in the nascence of my quit, I bluffed my way through never/ever land. I remember @Cristóbal and @El Bandito qualifying never/ever with the caveat, 'just for today', and that was the truth too, it is about here and now. As days and weeks passed I absorbed the truth about addiction. Once I clearly understood addiction is forever and brain receptors immediately re-connect to addiction after one puff, I embraced never/ever/forever. If addiction was in my brain for the long haul, well, dammit, I was too...and I was going to Win ! Originally posted July 2016 NOPE ~Never/Ever/Forever (including comments) and here is a group discussion 'How Is A Commitment To NOPE Essential For A Successful Quit' and two vids from our friend, Joel Spitzer
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- nicotine addiction
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Why is a firm commitment to NOPE (Not One Puff, Ever) essential to a successful quit? How do you make a commitment to NOPE when you're not even sure if you can make it 1 hour or 1 day without smoking? In the beginning, how did you stick to NOPE?
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- Successfull Quit
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Please join me and pledge NOPE for today!
I don't really want to call them cravings, because they're nothing like the first week at all. At almost a month in, they're more like thoughts, along the lines of "I could REALLY go for a piece of chocolate cake right now." But if you don't have chocolate cake on hand, it's not a big deal. You forget about it quickly and move on. And since that day recently where I caught myself not thinking about smoking, I have longer and longer stretches of time where I don't think about it at all. But, out of the blue, these nagging thoughts of wanting a smoke pop into my brain. Had a pretty strong one last night at a point where it was probably about the most ridiculous thing I could have done. One of my current projects involves creating a series of digital illustrations. That means a lot of time spent hunched over a tablet doing detail work and going back and forth between the main monitors and the tablet monitor. Basically that equals tired eyes and stiff muscles for me, especially since I can easily spend 8 - 12 or more hours on one of these. When I smoked, because I needed to feed my nicotine addiction, I would get up every hour for a "smoke and stretch" and get away from the computer, stretch out my stiff muscles before I got back to it. Last night, I worked for about 6 hours without getting up or really changing position. I usually work from home, sometimes out in the field, depending on the type of project I'm on, so my hours can be weird. I'm prone to eye migraines (a zig-zag of flashing/strobing lights that appears in your field of vision and lasts about 1/2 hour before going away, can lead to actual migraine or a feeling of being disoriented after), and they come on, for me, from stress and tension. Sometimes I'll go for years without having one, sometimes I'll have 3 in a row and then they stop. They're a little disconcerting. So, last night, as I'm working, I start to see that strobing light in my vision. I'd sat for too long and my muscles tensed up too much. I went to lie down in a dark room, and when it was over, I got the usual disorientation and at that point, I had a strong urge to go have a smoke. And I laughed at it. Really? Now? When I'm feeling something that is so close to being lightheaded, and it's making me uncomfortable? So, if I had a smoke then, it would just make me...more lightheaded...and more uncomfortable, among other not so good things.'s that going to help? Sounds logical. Hahaha. NOPE. Not at all. Funny thing is, by laughing at the thought, I took away its power and it disappeared. Just like that. It's strange to me how my brain is still programmed to want a smoke when I need some comfort or reassurance. Once you realize a smoke won't give you any of that, it's easy to dismiss any thought of smoking. It was late, Mr. P was still out, but the cats are goofy and always provide a good distraction. I tossed around some cat toys for them and in a few minutes the disorientation passed. After that, I did a quick yoga routine - one that just involved stretching and deep breathing. And all was right in my world again. Those things brought me more comfort and reassured me that all was OK, than a cigarette ever would. Bottom line? I have to remember to get up from the computer regularly and stretch out. And comfort will never be found at the butt end of a cigarette. NOPE.
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Just kidding, NOPE NO MATTER WHAT!
No matter how you look at it, I'm freeeeeeeeee! It's Saturday night, IS ANYONE OUT THERE? PING, PING
2 Years – 24 Months – 730 Days – 17,520 Hours – 1,051,200 Minutes – 63,072,000 Seconds. On the day I quit, I expected to spend every single minute craving a cigarette. Thirty years I was a smoker. The first thing that I did each morning. Without fail. The last thing that I did each night. Without fail. After breakfast, lunch and dinner. Without fail. Have a coffee? Have a smoke. Without fail. Another beer? Another smoke. Without fail. Did I crave? Yes. and No. My Addiction wanted nicotine. My Will wanted to quit. During the first few months, and occasionally ever since, these two sparring partners have had conversations. Sometimes, out loud. (Usually scaring innocent bystanders!) Will always wins. Why? Obviously, I am supremely powerful, with a will of iron. My strength has conquered all. I wish. <_< NOPE. That is why Will always won. “Not One Puff Ever, (just for today).” The section in brackets is rarely written. However, the reason that folk pledge every day, is because when you quit something, you don’t quit forever. Quitting forever is scary. Quitting forever makes you look at that last cigarette with longing, with love and with grief. “Forever” makes you want to put off the parting, to leave quitting for another day, “when the time is right, when I’m not so stressed”. No, when I quit, I quit for the day. “Listen Addiction. Today, we are Quit. Stop whining and whingeing, we are not smoking today. We can talk about it again tomorrow.” Will would say that each morning as I had my morning coffee, which was tasting better and better each day. Next morning, we would have the same chat. Sometimes, Will even said “Oh Addiction, I’m sorry. I forgot we were going to talk. I have only gone onto and pledged Not One Puff Ever again. Let’s talk again tomorrow.” Now, I have these conversations less and less. After 30 years hard, hard work, Addiction is taking a well earned break. He is sleeping for Britain. Now and again, he raises his drowsy head and mutters “Is it time yet?” and Will whispers “Not today. Let’s talk tomorrow.” Addiction goes back to sleep, for weeks, months at a time. To be honest, I forget to pledge most days, but occasionally, in honour of my old workhorse, Addiction, I pass by the Quittrain, pledge, maybe say Hi to a few old friends and one or two new ones. Give or take, I have avoided 22,000 Cigarettes that would have cost me £8,750 or $12,500. I am fitter and healthier. I smell a lot better. The world smells and tastes a lot better too. A huge surprise to me was how different the world looks. Colours are actually brighter (nicotine does actually make the world duller apparently) and colours seem brighter too. They seem brighter because I look at the world through the eyes of someone who saw Addiction for what it was, educated himself and gently put it to sleep. Not on its timetable, but on mine. I have not become supremely powerful, nor do I have that will of iron, but quitting has made me powerful, it has made me understand my Will a little better. Thirty years smoking is not free. The bill is coming. I have damaged myself. What the bill will be? Who knows? When it comes. It will be paid. None of us are getting out of life alive folks. What I do know is that quitting smoking is the best thing that I have ever done. Apart from all of the obvious benefits, it has given me back my sense of worth, my sense of being in control. Thinking of quitting? Tell you what. Just quit for today. You might just save your own life.
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The day has dawned fine and sunny here in Cyprus. Just for today, I pledge to take Not One Puff Ever Who will join me?
The day dawns on a kingdom still United. For me, the right result. For 40% of my countrymen, the wrong result. Now it is important that the kingdom unites to make progress, together, as one entity made up of strong nations, regions and characters. Yesterday Scotland said NOPE. Today I say NOPE...just for today
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Dors67 posted a topic in The Daily NOPE Pledge
Yeah well I am 47 and I am not going to age more than I have too........... Smoking ... no fountain of youth in doing that..........AND by the way this applies to MALES and FEMALES...........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So PLEASE........EVERYBODY........... join me today in N.O.P.E. ...... because pretty simply....SMOKING SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not One Puff Ever I don't want to grow old before my time..... Dors p.s. I notice that since I have quit this awful skin is glowing, my nails are stronger, my lips don't have a brown tinge above them and well what I am saying is that........... I AM HEALTHIER ALL OVER.............. -
Hi there everybody, Saw this today:- I mean you want to keep smoking.....REALLY....WHY????????????????? This addiction is killing people every single day...and if YOU don't stop...IT WILL KILL YOU....and more than likely, NOT in a very nice way either!!!!! Life is so precious...and you know something else....THE AIR WE BREATHE is precious...Our lungs can only filter out so much....those tiny little filters called cilia will only do so much for so long....until....well you know what will ultimately happen...please look up how it all works... Our lungs are made for AIR....not 7,000 chemicals that we force into them by smoking because of our addiction to this awful drug. Stop this addiction NOW ........... SO I ASK YOU ALL if you have already quit or are thinking of quitting... Please pledge with me my dear friends that for today you will N.O.P.E. Not One Puff Ever You are all too beautifully made to go and stuff it all up by smoking those cigarettes. Dors You are really too special to be stuffing up your body with this addiction...YOU REALLY ARE...
Good morning! Dawn is about to break in England and just for today, I pledge to take not one puff ever. Who will join me? And....its Friday! TGIF And....And....I am up early to drive to Wales to play golf with some buddies at Celtic Manor...FORE!!!!!
Very quick out of the blocks this morning! It is still Tuesday in the US - and our friend Rez is counting the hours until he receives a very special visit...(Morning T - Go easy on him ;) ) I'm off to the Airport this morning myself - dropping off the long-suffering La Bandita who is away for a long weekend of R&R with her friends in Venice, Italy. Expensive? Not really, I used to spend more on cigarettes in a month..... So - I will take NOT ONE PUFF EVER... Just for today....(Tiff - please note!) Who will join me?
A beautiful Sunday morning here... I will take Not One Puff Ever. Just for today..... Who will join me?
A long weekend of triggers for me. A big golfing weekend, with El B as chief mischief maker, organiser and ultimately winner.... Did I feel like smoking? Yep. Could I get online? No. What did I do? Remembered you all, and remembered that I pledged Not One Puff Ever... And took, Not One Puff..... So today, I pledge Not One Puff Ever....... Who will join me?
Throw those curtains day like this a year would see me right... Not One Puff Ever....just for today.
What is NOPE? For some, it is a pledge. It helps them focus. For some it is a health indicator. How many posts? To all the folk here with lengthy quits, you know, it really helps me when you pop in and post NOPE. On the other hand, if NOPE is not important, let's not flog a dead horse. So, just forever, NOPE from me
5 months ago today, (in 21 minutes) I put out my last cigarette. I had some ups and downs, but with the support of my beautiful wife, friends, colleagues and a bunch of online lunatics, I have kept the Quit. Just for today, I pledge Not One Puff Ever. With huge gratitude to you all. Who will join me?
Smoking is a killer. I pledge to take Not One Puff Ever...just for today. Who will join me?
Another beautiful morning in my little corner of England's green and pleasant land. No way on earth am I going to ruin such a day by smoking. Not One Puff Ever....just for today. Who will join me?
Today, I will not smoke. NOPE