Well my lovely NOPErs welcome to another wonderful work week. Down here in the wonderful land of Aus we have an extra day for our weekend cos its the Queen's birthday, well I'm not sure if its really her birthday but every 2nd weekend in June we pretend it is and have a long weekend... cos the old duck has to be good for something. Much more importantly, this week is International Men's Health Week... why do they get a week you may ask, cos they are men and they are too busy being all butch and macho to pay attention to their bodies warning signs. Prostrate cancer is not the worse cancer to get but because so many blokes are to 'manly' to get a test they don't pick it up until its too late. So go get checked... best case cenario there's nothing wrong and you find something new you enjoy.... worse case senario you have a fighting chance. You all give a shit about yourselves or you wouldn't be here... so go get a physical, get a blood work up done, check yourself for lumps, and for god sake if you feel down and stressed and anxious or depressed talk to someone... a real man will say "hey somethings not right" or "I'm feeling pretty shit" cos that takes more balls than pretending there's nothing wrong and not getting help.
Now.. surprisingly not all blokes know how to check their balls for the signs of testicular cancer... shocked me to learn this... so i got an expert in to explain for you....
So to sitting back and watching me mates suffer cos they are too pig headed to look out for themselves AND for lungs full of smoke and tar I say
Topic of the Day: Cover Songs