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    Connecticut, United States
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  1. thanks everyone. also for the record I didn't censor myself. quitting might have me feeling some kind of way but not to that extent.
  2. Working in a high volume restaurant and not smoking is funny. I'm one of two people who don't smoke. It's also infuriating on occasion. I want to smoke out of habit but I don't actually want to. My palate has improved and my energy has increased. I am going on tour in August, that too may be tempting but I am honestly at the point where taking up smoking seems like too much of an effort. I feel like crap sometimes but I'm riding it out. Pardon my Germanic roots but this is hard as ****. One love.
  3. my reaction to pollen is crazy this year (I quit in Dec), I also got some sorts dry scalp for s bit when I first quit but it was also winter and zi have dreads. Best of luck to you!
  4. you can do it.
  5. very sorry to hear, my condolences
  6. I realize my general malaise/anxiety stems from my lack of practice dealing with everyday stuff as a nonsmoker. Instead of moping around feeling all "I can't even" I'm going to run some 5ks in the Connecticut area. Anyone interested in joining shoot me a message, I don't run but I used to do cardio when I kick boxed so hopefully it'll come back to me, esp since I no longer smoke. Cheers.
  7. Yes 4 months without nicotine, and nah I have no urge to smoke again. I think its a matter of me having to relearn how to cope with everything. I spent most of my first three months patting myself on the back and saying "its okay, you are withdrawing, don't bother putting any effort into thinking or bettering yourself". Thanks for the support and such.
  8. ...and horrible anxiety. this is getting harder, I think.
  9. I used to work as a prep cook, I had carpal tunnel for a while. It got to the point where I had to learn to mince and peel stuff with my left hand because my right hand would cramp up and I would have to pry my fingers off my knife handle haha. This was in 2012, I don't know if its psychosomatic but now when I cut a lot of veggies I always feel like I can sense the smallest bit of carpal tunnel coming back.
  10. Haha glad you like it, thanks for listening. And I'm stuffing them with a tomato sausage basil garlic mozzarella blend that I should have made last night but instead am doing last minute
  11. P.s. what's the introduction section?
  12. Haha I'm not sure but I know I have an order of stuffed mushrooms for 80 tonight at 5
  13. I wrote this song over a year ago when I was kicking a pretty nasty opiate addiction. I never bothered to record it, but have performed it frequently at shows. While doing a set last January I realized the themes parallel nicotine withdrawal and any addiction really, esp how I was currently feeling, so I figured why not record it. Maybe it will help someone who is amusing the thought of "just one", maybe it will help someone change their perspective during their quit, I don't know but here it is if you are interested. https://www.soundcloud.com/eriklamb/solace-city
  14. I definitely see what you are saying. I read all the books on third grade and honestly feel that the current BBC version, despite the setting/etc, capture s the heart of the series better than anything else. Second I feel is the basil rathbone bit, third I feel would be House lol

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