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Everything posted by larklibby

  1. Yo! You've just walked through the QUIT door - welcome! There are no other options here, apart from QUIT!
  2. Happy Birthday!x NOPE
  3. >nope<
  4. Hey Sinha - welcome!
  5. Thanks everyone - I shall be going and i'm going to bloody enjoy it!
  6. Hey Carlos - well done for making the step in this direction. If you want to give up, this is the place to be. I'm early in my quit and I wouldn't have reached this point without the support from everyone here. After only 2 months quit - I feel great. Knowing that after 25 years of smoking I DON'T HAVE TO smoke again is a priceless feeling - Keep at it dude!
  7. A whopper of a NOPE
  8. room for a big one
  9. nope from this corner
  10. Youre right I should go with my instincts which are I'll never smoke again - I'm definitely not tempted to smoke! I just don't want to mess things up (it has been known!) Here is the fest - http://www.liverpoolsoundcity.co.uk/ grab a camera and i'll get you in as a press photographer!
  11. LOL I mean more a guide from people further down the line in a quit - but a written guide and rules would be excellent! :lol22:
  12. Agreed! I'm just making sure i'm not being too over confident with my quit, if there is some sort of guide of a safe 'line' in terms of length of quit - thanks again x
  13. Hey Jess - Yes I did and that story really does help (and well done you). I guess the concern was that I had just 2 months under my belt, should I wait until i'm a bit further down the line, rather than test it at this stage.
  14. thanks guys, you've confirmed what I hoped and was kinda thinking :sun_bespectacled: Just didn't want to be a n00b about it
  15. I have already had a drink without smoking and was fine. I think it's more of the environment trigger, plus drink, plus it's outside so smoking isn't limited to one area. I'm leaning towards going. I just didn't want to be over confident and naive with my quit. But why should something I will never do anymore stop me from doing something today.
  16. What would you do? I'm 2 months into my quit - Although naturally I'm fighting against cravings (and winning) I do realise I'm still early in my quit. I'm faced with putting myself in the biggest trigger environment possible for me at the end of the month. I write and review music, i've just had my press pass through the post and i'm set to attend a festival I review each year. It's over two days - outdoors - music and beer. Do you think I'm long enough into my quit to place myself in this environment. I know everyone is different, but what would you do? I'm pretty strong willed and stubborn and my gut instinct is telling me I would get through it no problems - but am I too early to face my biggest trigger or would you say just face it? If I slipped I would be devastated. Any help appreciated

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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