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Everything posted by larklibby

  1. larklibby


    Oh ace! :)
  2. larklibby


    Wow, wait - what is the LIDO DECK
  3. larklibby


    Thanks Jenny :) x
  4. larklibby


    Hey Babs! Hope you're well - and thanks! x
  5. larklibby


    Thanks Tracey x
  6. larklibby


    I'm in a place i'd never thought i'd be. It's brilliant.
  7. larklibby


    Thanks Joe I will - I was a bit selfish, took the support and went, but it was the only way I could handle my quit and so far its worked. I will never forget how this place helped me, when totally nothing at all came close to helping me stop. I will for sure hang around more to bug you all :)
  8. larklibby


    Hello! I haven't been around for AGES but happy to report i'm still smoke free - I've just been chatting to my cousin who is wanting to stop smoking and I pointed her towards here, which made me want to come in and say; hello! She should be along in the next few days! (Kath) xx
  9. nope
  10. Thanks everyone! :D
  11. nope
  12. Perfectly normal (in my experience) It's all part of the quit, push through it and your brain will find other ways to find stimulation - give it a few options to choose from. You're doing great.
  13. Thanks guys! Got a ton of piriton today - going glamping at the weekend so I'm sure this allergy (whatever it is) will love that!
  14. Yes, here in the UK pollen is high
  15. Ahh! OK I don't feel as weird now - will give it a go thanks
  16. Only just got onto the fact what it is, I've even just finished a course of antibiotics from the docs because it was on my chest, but didn't work! Tried lots of flu type medicines but nothing has hit it and because i've never had allergies in the past, I didn't make the connection till now. So, I've taken some Piriton tonight for the first time. Hope it works, because after all this while it really does pull you down!
  17. Yes, that's what I am thinking - my new super nose detects more things! - I'm just wondering if it will settle down as my system gets more used to the new nose
  18. Hello! Has anyone become open to allergies since quitting smoking? I've had a terrible month or so of what I thought was a flu, but now it's more like a strong hey fever - it's driving me mad. I've never had any soft of allergies at all. I had a look across google and found that there is a connection. There was one health forum that had a whole page of people who had quit, describing my exact symptoms: Constantly blowing nose, sneezing, chesty and cold like symptoms. If anyone has experienced this, how did you tackle it? It's got to a point were I haven't had a proper nights sleep in a couple of weeks and I have had to stop running! :angry: :help:

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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