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Princess paula

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  1. I was here every day but slacked of with my post for a while. Ten days for me and it will be a year !!!! I am going on holiday tomorrow for two weeks on the amazing Lombok and gili islands what a place to enjoy my one year of freedom.
  2. Wow so fantastic , thank you all so much . Good I. One way but in my diary I had written 12 months so a bit ahead of myself !!!! Recent events have made me have the odd thought but you know through this board and Allen Carr I do know it so would not help and in fact make life worse so I felt no need to turn back to them and so want to be a non smoker that I would not let myself use a relationship struggle be an excuses huge turning point. Xx love y,ou all thank you so so much xxx
  3. I have been doing really well but I do keep having urges to smoke.this breakup is a roller coaster on min friends next he hates me next let's be lovers next we will still do the holiday. Let's buy a house for us and one for your kids next hates me and my kids so each new emotion I think **** it I will just sit and smoke and drink my head off and cut him out. But hay I have not but just so needed a vent and the support of you amazing people xx
  4. Hay a few of you were here for me when I went through a rough patch with my partner. Well today he moved out and it is over. It has been horrible but him turning on my daughter and saying she has to move out was the last straw over getting home to a drunk every day. My daughter who is now happy he is gone rang my son to tell him and the first thing he said was make sure mum does not start to smoke again !!! Funny but today I have had about four urges after months of non but all tucked up in my house and no way !!!!! Also I have save $7000 which thank god for as I will so need that now to buy new furniture and help with my single income. I know I will be up and Dow. But love having you guys in my life in times of need ..
  5. The shame. I thought I was a secrete smoker and tried to hide it. But yesterday I was on a course and one of my work mates said in from of another work mate hay well done on ten months of not smoking I saw it on face book , I said oh no I wis you had not said that my other work mate here did not even know I smoked. She said of course I did !! She had never said and I thought she did not know. If I was still a smoker I would have been horrified that she knew but yesterday I did not care as I was no longer ashamed just proud !!!
  6. quitdate: 25/07/2013 LocationPerth Australia Posted Today, 08:53 AM Today is ten months for me, yay. And I have saved almost $7000 ! I was reading the paper yesterday and they have made some of the city of Perth smoke free and from today if anyone is coughs they get an on the spot fine of $100. They are thinking of extending it to the whole city. I was so pleased to read that as now if I even get a wif I have to put my hand over my nose !! To think I used to smoke is amazing, how far have we come we used to be able to smoke in planes , restaurants and offices and even at the doctors !!! And now a smoke free city. I find it amazing now that I ever used to smoke. I so hate the look of it the smell of it the taste of it and the cost and the evil it does. Most of all the shame !!!! We are all free.
  7. My daughter and I were in a restaurant on Sunday and we saw a little boy who had lost his mum and was calling out mum, we watched for a little while and she soon found him so that was all good but then my daughter said to me, when ever I used to lose you in the shops I just used to stand quietly and listen and I could always fine you from your cough !!!!! I had a cough for about twenty five years and over the years many people have said if you ever stop coughing I won't recognise you !!!
  8. Yay today is 9 months of freedom for me. I feel great appart from the 9 kilo weight gain, but hay have also gained over $6,000 in my quit account. Weight loss mission to commence very soon .
  9. Every Friday I transfer my smoking money over and on this very very Good Friday !! ( happy smoke free Easter all ) my savings are over $6,000 yay how amazing is that. I am very pleased now as a non smoker that they are so expensive here in Australia . I am saving to buy an almost brand new car. With the money I save on all the stuff I used to disguise the smell ie gum and perfume I treat my self along the way too. Have others been putting the money away ?? I do think it is a good way to go.
  10. So this is where my friends have been hiding ?????!!!! I found you !!!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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