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Ramona last won the day on February 5 2016

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About Ramona

  • Birthday 02/17/1983

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    My interests include: anything that will distract me from this life system of slavery to profit, big pharma, materialism, dishonesty, ego, waste, and total DYSFUNCTION.

    I want to quit smoking so I will feel healthier, have more money, smell better, prevent manic symptoms, exercise more comfortably and stop polluting my dogs lungs.
  • Quit Date

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  1. A real success story John!
  2. Thanks Babs. I appreciate your confidence in me. Just tonight - - another anxiety moment. My 2nd big one. But that's not too bad for over 7 days quit, right? Only two major moments??? Not bad.
  3. I don't know - I think a porpoise would have figured out how to put up a picture!!! :lol:
  4. Nope from 'New England'
  5. Ramona

    chicks or sticks

  6. After just a week! The early (and many) blessings: Achieving that truly full breath at last (phew, my lungs still work) Appetite is back and food tastes good I feel more confident Not afraid of tomorrow's 1.5 hour drive and winter hike with 3 never-smokers Don't have to worry how badly I smell during my therapy group Money not spent on butts I feel more relaxed and calm in the morning (no rush out of bed for nicotine fix) Not worried I'll smell during Monday's job interview Back on the QT ;)
  7. Yesterday I experienced that oh-so-familiar heightened panic/anxiety/freak-out that (for me) comes with this territory - - adrenals all whacked from not using my numbing-nicotine-sticks. Funny though - - I actually chuckled. I was like, "yup, here it is." After having "quit" so many times in my past: 8 month quit @ age 23 1 year quit @ age 25 1 year, 3 months @ age 31 as well as NUMEROUS 1-2 month quits scattered here and there... I'm basically a PRO people! Hahaha. I even said to myself, "okay Ramona, here we go, you know what this is, just breathe." I still felt the adrenaline chemicals surging through me but I wasn't convinced by them. This too shall pass...always does...and I'm really hoping (in my case) that "practice can finally make perfect."
  8. Ramona

    chicks or sticks

  9. Welcome John. This site is great help...community and encouragement. Quitting for yourself is the only way. I (too) have tried to quit for my significant others - - - never works. You end up resenting them for any struggles. It's on YOU and you got this!! 17 Days is solid.
  10. Cigarettes are a big "f*ck you" to the world. To smoke is to wordlessly show others that you wish to take a dump upon your own existence. Like, "I didn't ask for this lifetime of slavery to both time & money so you can take this life and shove it up your ass" sort of thing. However, To... take deep breaths love food grow more intimate be vulnerable acknowledge grief Is to... Embrace life. And for those of us out there/here that don't find the human experience as fantastic as others find it, it can be a rough transition. Death? I look forward to existing as pure energy and spirit. In the meantime I don't want to feel sick in my physical body. I'm stuck in this thing any way so I should probably make it less painful (and smelly). In a few hours I will have achieved 5 full days without smokes or nicotine. Aside from a couple anxiety attacks, it has been smooth sailing. As is often said, not smoking is the natural way, after all.
  11. That's the way to think!!!
  12. Nice milestone lady!

About us

QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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