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Everything posted by rowlyd

  1. So I quit smoking on the 17th January 2014 and stuffec that up by the 4th April by having a few puffs and then a few more on the 17th May 2014. After feeling the obsession to smoke return I have decided that I need to take action to keep my quit! Thats why I am back. It was suggested that I start this thread and at the moment I can not afford to ignore anyone that wants to help me stay quit. I am thankful that I have not started the physical addiction all over again and I am not experiencing any physical withdrawals. But the mental aspect of this addiction is the difficult one for me. I am going to read whatever is on this site that can help me in my quit and check in here everyday (to the best of my ability). So it is day 1 for today.
  2. Today I am not going to smoke.
  3. NOPE.... :( its never too late is it?
  4. Where is the quit smoking section to start my thread?
  5. Hi there and thank you very much for your replies. I am not in a position to reamain online for long periods of time during the week due to my occupation. But, I am going to follow whats been suggested here starting now.
  6. So .....I just walked down to the shop and bought a big slab of chocolate and had a big glass of coke and I plan to not smoke for the remainder of this day. When I wake up in the morning I will start again....
  7. I have smoked 5 smokes since the 4th of April, 2 of them were today. The problems I had before I smoked are still there.... Smoking did not take them away, now I have another problem. SMOKING!!! The obsession to smoke again has returned. I would rather not smoke again and thats why I am posting here, I screwed up my quit and I would like to get help or suggestions from anyone.
  8. rowlyd


    I am good, just got woken up by the screetching baby, its morning in my part of the world.... ready for another day of rowlys life....
  9. F!ck this addiction, today I will not smoke. I f!cking hate smoking!
  10. rowlyd


    Thank you for your support everyone. Higher Powered stuff this. Got sore knees, but I suppose my knees are a good place to be when I am battling.... ps: I am definitely not a beautiful lady.... lol. Not now, not ever...
  11. rowlyd


    I am posting because I just left home on foot and bought one loose cigarette to smoke, I did not smoke it and threw it away after crushing it with my hand. Regardless, I wanted to smoke, I still want to smoke. My 19 month old daughter has been screetching and screaming lately and its driving me mad! Life is getting to me, Ive picked up weight, feeling fat and old! And I keep thinking that having a smoke will help me feel better. So instead of smoking I thought I would give this SOS a try and see what happens. I havent smoked for 3 months and all I wanna do is smoke. F@!k
  12. Thank you, thank you, thank you! You have really helped me get off to a better start today! I want your attitude.
  13. Nope from me too! Today, against all odds, I will not smoke no matter what!
  14. Run for life is an exercise program that I go to 3 times a week. Its in a few countries I think. Google Run Walk for Life....
  15. Good morning to you and everyone else too. Today I will not smoke! NOPE!
  16. We all deserve a big pat on the back! There was a time whe we could barely get through 1 hour without smoking and if you havent smoked today,you are a miracle in the making. Well done! I am so grateful that I did not smoke recently when I was having a hard time, it was my birthday a few days ago and I nearly smoked, glad I didnt!
  17. A big NOPE from me today, I have not and I will not smoke today...
  18. I have been running for a little while now and am very surprised at my usual 5k run I am doing these days and the distance is increasing gradually. I started off running 1.2k's and was stuffed afterwards. But now its getting much easier, the chest (lungs) still hurt sometimes but I am sure thats normal for an ex smoker. I joined a fitness program to help me with my running, called Run For Life. They are helping me big time and I even got a really cool certificate the other day. I got the expensive rainbow colored running shoes too, apparently good shoes are an essential part of running..... Go for it! It feels awesome being able to run!
  19. I logged onto the other site today after being off for a few weeks and mentioned (literally mentioned) another site from a mail I got and the response made me never want to go back there! Not happy at all!!! I also mentioned how much I am battling to stay nicotine free..... Are there people here that will help me keep my quit or are you just going to bring up sh1t thats been going on thats has nothing to do with me?

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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