I really hope that I do not smoke today. I had 1 yesterday and it did not feel good. So I started to do something symbolic to end my smoking relapse. I decided its time to clean out the ashtray in my car, it has been dirty since I quit in January. And then I purposely searched the property where I live and picked up and threw away all my old stinky cigarette butts. I then searched the house, found and threw away all the lighters and matches. Actually I made a fire and burned them all, it was more fun.....
I still feel lucky in some way that I have not been smoking full time again and physically I do not have to endure hectic withdrawals, so I am looking forward to and hoping to enjoy this quit.
I bought The Only Way book yesterday and have begun reading it too, damn long book...... but have at least begun relating to Allen Carr from the start. Recovery from smoking will be much easier if I have people to identify with.
Being able to identify with people has really helped me stay off heroin and crack for just over 6 years, the difficult part there is everytime I am at NA people are smoking and thats a trigger for me, thing is I absolutely can not stop going to NA as I am very involved there and need meetings to stay clean.
Sso there you have it, I am Rowland, I am an addict (in more ways than one), and I want to quit smoking for good.