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Everything posted by rowlyd

  1. Since I'm the only one who remembers how long it's been, excuse me for posting it myself. But hell it's a long time ....
  2. Wow since the 25th when I posted last I've run 3 races. Two of them 10k and one 15k! My times just keep getting better and next month I run my first half marathon. I'm so glad I quit smoking and took up running. Feels sooo good!
  3. I've got pre race jitters... going for a personal best in the morning but feeling pretty tense...
  4. I will not smoke jft :)
  5. Well done to me :)
  6. Thanks guys. One day at a time....
  7. Hi there everyone, its been a while but I am still here and going fairly strong, I mostly just check in every now and then without posting. My quit is still strong and I know that I really don't want to smoke again and I hope this attitude lasts a lifetime. I have managed to join a running club and ran 15k yesterday just for practise. I have run a 10k race since I quit in an pretty good time and have entered my first ever 15k race for the 19th of April. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that this would be possible as I was smoking 25-30 smokes a day for well over 20 years! its amazing what an awesome gift I've been given by quitting. And I firmly believe that if I can do it, anyone can! on the 4th of April I will be clean from Heroin for 7 years too and have not touched a drink since either. Life is here for me to live and love it and the second best decision I ever made was to quit smoking (the first was getting clean). hope you're all good and chat soon.
  8. nope!
  9. Nope from me today...
  10. Nope nope nope nope noooope! Have a good Sunday peeps.
  11. Today will be a good day. Yesterday may have sucked balls but it's gone and there isn't a thing I can change. But today I choose life. I will remain smoke free.... I started today with a pb 5k run. It's good to be free.
  12. Thanks so much guys. It's awesome and easier with you all supporting me.
  13. NOPE From me today.
  14. Wow just did a 8 K before work... now I gotta work all day too....
  15. It's definitely not without training. I started last year when I was still trying to quit smoking. I've done a few 10k runs already.
  16. @ 4am NOPE :)
  17. Sick to death of putting on weight....
  18. I joined a Bona Fide Athletics club and would like to try a 15 K this weekend. Not bad for a 30 a day smoker... being smoke free is awesome!
  19. Nope! Yeehaa. ..
  20. It's a nope from me in Sunny South Africa. Hope I don't get eaten by a lion today....
  21. Nope from me and hope you all have a smashing day.
  22. Nope
  23. :)
  24. Oh one more thing, I agree completely with what Chrysalis said and done it says it in the book too. Keep the book in a safe place for future reference. And find a support system/group that works for you. Personally I have found that Nicotine Anonymous meetings and quit train work well with what I have learnt from The Easyway clinic because I am able to help others get or stay smober.

About us

QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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