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Everything posted by cpk

  1. NOPE~AROONI 100 days quit, and grateful
  2. Are wobbles inevitable??? What exactly defines a wobble?
  3. Thanks, Marti. I guess wobbles are part of the process.
  4. Today I have 99 days not smoking. Ten things I've learned: 1) Quitting smoking is a process, not an event. Online forums are part of the process, offering education and support. All quit aids are a personal choice. 2) Time and Patience build a strong quit. 3) N.O.P.E. is THE KEY. Not one puff ever. "Slipping up" here and there causes relapses, and allows the addiction to get an even stronger hold. 4) "It gets better." See #2 for how it's made better. 5) Guard the quit for the first year or even longer. A successful quit takes dedication, commitment, and accountability. 6) The hard won quit is sometimes the strongest quit. However, an easy quit isn't better than a hard quit, and a hard quit isn't better than an easy quit. 7) Eventually, the good days will outweigh the bad days. There will be occasional bad days (even towards one year) but they are not a forever thing. If this weren't fact no one would stay quit. But millions do! Quitting is do-able. 8) Some issues are caused by quitting smoking, some are not. It takes time to figure out what's what. It's part of the process. 9) Romancing smoking is foolish. Smoking never made anything better. That's a lie. Smoking is a disgusting, harmful, filthy, stinky habit. 10) Every quit is unique. Some quitters prefer a soft touch instead of tough love. Some quitters would rather not talk so much about quitting, and just get on with it. Some quitters experience the quit as serious business, while others take it as a lighthearted romp ~~~ most experience a bit of both. ALL who practice N.O.P.E. are winners, N.O.P.E. is the KEY ~~~ Day-by-day, hour-by-hour, and sometimes minute by minute. GUARD THE QUIT ~ KEEP THE QUIT ~ N.O.P.E. FOREVER !!!
  5. Who feels really good about herself today? YouWHO! Bet your son is so proud. We all are. Well done, Gabrielle!!! :wub: :air_kiss: :bye: :heart: :party2:
  6. I think I'd rather have a scary cheeseman dream... Dreams about smoking and cigarettes are boring...
  7. cheese with bite?
  8. And your quit is as sunny as the sun! Congrats for sailing on through month 4 and keeping me inspired. :sun_bespectacled:
  9. Thank you, everyone...so very interesting! Hope more peeps post. It is so inspiring to see how each person's quit was unique, yet all with a common Nope...and VICTORY. Hope lurkers enjoy all this great stuff, and maybe will be convinced that this journey is the greatest of life journeys. PS Peeps can answer one or whatever...like Petra did. Great idea, Petra. Thanks.
  10. Mama says nope
  11. Ricki, congrats on two months. That's an accomplishment worthy of celebration~ Keep making changes and adopt what works. Because the quit has to be the priority, right? Best of luck! Treat yourself with great care. Where you are in your quit was challenging for me when I was there. I wish I had been a bit easier on myself. :wub:
  12. Don't know what L.M.F.S. is but guess it's something funny...or smelly. :)
  13. Ah, the cheeseman dream... :)
  14. Totally off subject, but a few nights after reading this had my first running dream! I think it might have been because I was thinking about your dreams and at night before going to sleep I would think, "I don't care what I dream about as long as it isn't smoking." In my dream I was walking to the post office to mail a letter. I decided to walk/jog...then something inside me said, "Just run. You are fine and can do it," and I just took off light as air, with no chest congestion. In the dream I felt like a kid, running for joy. Hope your smoking dreams get replaced with "running for joy" dreams. :rolleyes:
  15. Asked about food because found chocolate candy has bad effect. Does it contain caffeine? Well, certainly contains sugar...
  16. This is, hands down, my most favorite comment you have ever posted. I adore it and am going to copy it into my "quit journal." :)
  17. I cry more now than I ever did as a smoker. I find it strange and weird and don't much like it. Guess I'm still getting used to living life in color. On the flip side, when I am happy sometimes I feel so euphoric I feel like I am on drugs, which I'm not! That's cool if that's the new normal.
  18. Thank you, again, for sharing and caring.
  19. nope
  20. "Embrace the suck" Thanks for that one; I'd forgotten it. Timely for this week... :)
  21. Babs, I wasn't aware that I could report. I am new to support forums. So now I know. Thanks.
  22. For the record, I am not talking about joking or light-heartedness. I'm all for that. The really hard-core sexual innuendos as not to my liking. You never did anything like this, okay? Never.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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