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Everything posted by cpk

  1. i KNOW KNOW KNOW this is truth but I'm not fully feeling it. I will take your word for it and go on faith for today...
  2. oH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
  3. OMG, Nancy. I think I may cry! THANK YOU!
  4. You're a doll! Thank you!
  5. This goes on my frig front and center!!!!! The "wtf week" in purple letters --- so glad THAT ONE is done and dusted! THANK YOU!
  6. Amazingly sweet encouragement! Thank you, with tears in my eyes!
  7. I dreamt about a former creepy smoker friend who always interferred with my quits. After this post I checked a message service I rarely use...and there was two messages from this creepy person. I freaked, like thinking, "OMG, after three weeks of intense quit focus...the very devil is coming at me through this person." Then I had an instant "switch" in my mind, remembering ALL THE GREAT COMMENTS from everyone here...but especially the comments about romancing the addiction from MQ...and how the pull of addicts is a strong ILLUSION. I remembered a comment from Markus that I am NOW A NONSMOKER ~ and with that comes responsibility. Like Ms. Smarty Pants says (I can't help it -- I love the SP title!) anyway, she always repeats, "It's Just A Thought" --- and that clinched it for me. I am standing strong!
  8. Guy quitters want to comment???
  9. Hmmm. I once heard a guy smoker say that for guy smokers absolutely everything is sexual......hmmm. Don't know if that applies to Quit guys. Hmmm! For the record...I didn't ENJOY sucking on a binky! I don't think anyone in the first week enjoys substitutes! For the most part wasn't around guys while engaged in this practice but now (after all the comments here) am sure they would have teased me until I punched them - hard. I feel slightly slutty right now. HAHA,
  10. I actually put one on a long chain when I did grocery shopping. I live in a kooky "alternative" town so anything goes here. If someone did do a double-take and I said I was using a "binky" to help me quit smoking I would probably have received a high five, as smoking has become deadly taboo here. I personally think it's a good short-term solution, and maybe they could be marketed as a quit device! Only problem is...they eventually made my teeth hurt so that's why I put them away. I didn't want to go the candy or gum route...as both give me stomach aches. This worked for me and I know it sounds silly but it really got me through "hell week" ~~ Number One Week. In the past few years I tried to quit about half a dozen times and could never get beyond day three. Now (as of today) am three weeks! :wub: cpk
  11. I always love your feedback. You really are Ms. Smarty Pants. I know exactly what the dreams are about...I just don't want to have them. Haha. That's what I get for repressing so much with smoking. :wub: cpk
  12. NOPE!!! (Three weeks today ~ Yay! ) :wub: :wub: :wub:
  13. Okay, thank you. GTQ --- sooooooooo important for me right now, minute by minute! :wub: cpk
  14. Please don't lose your marbles! (I love marbles. I collect them.) The point is, even Greek philosophers tried, at times, to pass off tripe as serious and valuable stuff. As long as you are making sense to yourself...keep on!
  15. Nice!
  16. Yes, yes, yes! Beautifully expressed.
  17. Discussion makes me want to smoke! Just kidding! :wub: However, no interest in faux pain! :unsure: What so ever. -_- Then, now, or ever. :rolleyes:
  18. I am by nature, I think, restless. For those who think horoscopes are idiotic, forgive me, and am not sure how much I even believe, but I do match the Gemini type, which is restless. There is a tendency to flit around, not sleep or eat well, a lot of anxiety about money and security. This all fits me. I think I smoked to try to ground myself, but it dampened my creativity, and made me lazy and slothful. I realized that the restlessness I felt when quitting scared me...but it need not because for me being restless means I have energy. Smoking cut off a lot of my creative pleasures (art, writing, playing guitar, cooking) because I just smoked to quell anxiety. Restlessness can be a call to action. It doesn't always have to be something that needs quiet and calm. I'm 20 year meditator, so I don't have a problem with mental chatter. My whole quit journey seems to be much more related to the physical...however, meditation masters would say a tight mind will make the body tight.
  19. I'm so early into this sticky quit I will admit I am still really foggy about what is normal and what is not normal. At this point nothing feels normal. However, it has been freezing cold and snowing, and I know it was pretty abnormal to stand out on my porch smoking. I don't know how I did it, but it certainly strikes me as junkie behavior, now.
  20. I'm still a bit foggy, What does GTQ stand for?
  21. OMG, Pall Malls. That was the brand my Dad smoked. I'd steal from the pack he kept in his suit jacket pocket...or...if really brave...steal a whole pack from the carton in his sock drawer.
  22. Sigh. Yes. Big one. I am so, so sorry. By the way, I adore this photo of you and (your?) dog. Really precious, and makes me smile every single time...
  23. 12 seems so young! But thinking about it, I was 15 which is in the young category as well...
  24. I hope others don't think this. I'm certain this is the sticky quit!!! :wub: cpk

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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