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Everything posted by cpk

  1. Now, aren't you glad you posted? :) I post a lot, not because I like to see myself in print. I desperately need to put the time behind me to establish a solid quit. Posting, and getting support helps me to march on...even if sometimes marching is more like limping and whining. Relapsing is such a drag, and not an option. Do we really want to do this part again? Nah. We want to join the Quit Goddesses! :wub: So it was cool about the manicure. And I think Marti is right. You need to experience more good moments, hours, days. I do, too. Right now this is the part I keep forgetting, but what I need to do more of. :wub: Hmm, maybe some new nail polish?
  2. haha maybe i'll get one at three months what do you think, evelyn, is that high risk behavior? okay...six months... okay...maybe at a year...
  3. With grief mixed in.... Losing a sibling is something I understand, Tyme. So with our quits, we have that thrown in as well. Just wanted to throw that out.
  4. Don't think He's on this thread but you never know...
  5. Tyme: I just reread this thread and saw where you said you were going out for a manicure. THAT'S THE SPIRIT!!!! Loving watching your journey... :wub:
  6. Tyme Thanks for opening up a great discussion. Thanks for being so candid and honest. I really know how you are feeling right about now. This quit has made me go through a lot, but I'm hanging in there, because I NEVER want to relapse and start over. Stay in touch!
  7. :wub: I dream of being where you are right here, right now. Congratulations! :wub: It's so inspiring to follow others who have established strong quits. It means EVERYTHING. THANK YOU!!!
  8. Scent of Carrots 1) Eat carrots: 2) Don't wash hands Voila! Seriously, I like perfumes with ylang ylang (is that how it's spelled?) but it's heavy - so vanilla for spring? Hell, I don't know... my nose just came back!
  9. Awh, don't get your nose all out of joint. Oh, wait a minute, you don't have a nose! so that means you're good. Not a duck. Me either. I'm just a chick. :paratrooper_girl:
  10. I'm just confused. Haven't you been quit for something like only 8 days? Where is your quit meter, I wonder?
  11. emotions? yes, for me, 90% when a smoker i used to actually say i hated emotions... that's like saying you hate weather i do hate the emotional roller coaster as i adjust... but my ignored emotions are out of prison and partying! i expect they'll wear themselves down and start to be more civilized :)
  12. haha nah, i'm a chick peep peep
  13. "Don't Quantify it..." Out of the mouths of babes, or bakons, or bums...whatever... Whatever...this is interesting advice... What if I say: "I quit for 7 weeks..." --- I just imagine running into a former friend/smoker, and them scoffing and saying, "Oh yeah, big deal, that's not quitting...that's just taking a break...you're still a smoker at heart. Here, have one now..." Because it's spring/summer...and I will be seeing people around who I didn't see in the winter... So this advice is good. I need more work to not just say nope but live nope just say: "I don't smoke." because forming new associations builds a strong quit. (bakon can speak american english when he wants..!)
  14. I'm not into calling nicotine nicodemon, or whatever people call it... Addiction is complicated and insidious and both powerful but weak HOWEVER...SOMETIMES IT FEELS LIKE A DEMON. I like what bakon says even though he's a marble head. Take a stand, get on one side and then live up to that pledge of nope, like a soldier say it over and over until you identify with it i don't smoke not: i am trying not to smoke but i don't smoke I think the demon will keep knocking on the door... like a creepy stalker... just keep the door closed get on Quit Train and yell "Help" But after saying NOPE over and over and doing it over and over the creepy demon will get bored and go away
  15. Oh gosh, I am so sorry to hear about your brother. Really sad, and, just...hugs. Yeah, we mourn those who are gone... But we are still here, and have the chance to do things in a way maybe they wish they had done.. Everyone has their own journey. I can be sad (even depressed) and still be a nonsmoker. Not smoking isn't about Ta Da, Happy Land. It's about sanity. And health. And accepting emotions as they arise. I'm a newbie. It's hard. But do-able.
  16. Sometimes vacations CAN be hard, because you can't enjoy them for your own reasons. It's something we've all experienced. Okay, exercise...daily...30 minutes...CAN BE MODERATE. Like now, I'll just go for 15 minutes out, 15 minutes back...think about it...in old days I used to smoke 2 in a row, which killed off 30 minutes. Think simple. Just put on sneaks...even do 10 minutes out, 10 minutes back. Even if it does nothing to immediately improve mood...you are being a nonsmoker and you are an exercising nonsmoker... Speaking of which, I gotta get off now and go walk so that I'm not just preaching and butt sitting. ;)
  17. I don't want to be a duck anymore.
  18. I love tearing the heads off those Easter chicks - pink and yellow. I want "IN" to exclusive club of nonsmokers. I don't want to relapse then come back. Too much of a head trip. Too much of a fence sitter. I want to be the nerd with the book and apple, and ride the Arabian horses this summer (They go PRETTY FAST) and yes, join the exercise Goddesses... All fun, good, whoop laughs...but that addiction junkie mind is always lurking lurking lurking lurking...like the saying goes, you might chase the demon out of your house but he's doing push-ups in the parking lot... don't want gun to my head, will be looking for new avatar. see, i said avatars suck...not everyone is lucky enough to use atom bomb from day one... (What I did in college is none of your business... I think I remember wearing a blue coat...)
  19. I haven't seen my physician since I quit, but I did have (and I guess, still do) have lingering depression after my sister's death last year. My physician and I came up with a plan of vitamins, supplements (esp. Omega 3) melatonin at night, valerian as needed, and NO LESS THAN 30 minutes of cardio based exercise PER DAY 7 days a week. When depressed, the hardest thing to do is to exercise, but the newest studies have indicated that daily cardio of 30 minutes, is AS EFFECTIVE as medication. As well, it improves accountability, efficacy, and self-confidence. A solid quit must be built on a solid foundation. The only way out is through. PS I've upped my B Vits, as they calm the central nervous system. I can't talk about medication or NRT, but I'm working on maintaining daily exercise, as that can work well with anything and everything else.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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