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Everything posted by cpk

  1. nope (cuz am a fool for hope)
  2. Sometimes this happens (sometimes other weird glitches, too) and I don't know why. I don't take the time to figure it out. This isn't work, after all. (Tho sometimes feels like it!) Quote me saying, "This is the New Summer of Love, 2015." :)
  3. New Summer of Love, 2015 (no, I was not at old one...) Peace, Love, Brotherhood, Sisterhood, United in Not Smoking. Everyone, get a new tat this summer.
  4. Got to say that aloud for the first time today. Was out when a stranger came up to me and asked me if I had an extra cigarette. I wasn't smoking or with anyone smoking. So, duh? (Just goes to show you that smokers walk around in a fog.) I just said, "I don't smoke." I didn't say, "I quit smoking," or "I quit smoking two months ago," or "Used to smoke but not anymore." I just said, "I don't smoke." I felt like jumping up and down with happiness. But I stayed cool. It felt really awesome to say those three words and to find out they are more than enough.
  5. flippin thing messed up on me and I was in a hurry...that's all...
  6. cpk


    almost everything
  7. Day dreaming made me smile. :girl_smile: Share some of your day dreams with us, tymie darlin...
  8. Update, I'm so sound today it ain't even funny! It's magic. :wizard:
  9. Hey, girl, you picked out your own pants and put them on! And the pants I got are getting so tight they're riding up my butt. lol. Pasta and ice cream are not the way to rock a quit! I just can't believe how good food tastes now. Everything, even junk food, tastes so good! Thank goodness the weather's in our favor, tyme, to just start MOVING. That can only but help even out mood swings, which, for me, has been the bane of this quit. Keep rocking on!
  10. Marti so rocks!!!
  11. stalking?
  12. Marti: I read your whole 6-week sos thing - twice! I read it thinking, wow, don't think that will happen to me, then, bam, I had my week 7! So there you go! I've been using bakon's advice a lot. Mostly am trying to rewire as "I don't smoke," and do all things I associated with smoking before but in a new way as someone who does not smoke. It's working. But of course, it would make sense, there are 1,000's of associations. Change of season. Definitely. Doing my taxes this weekend. My word, that is a challenge! But I went over and met the new neighbors. Very cool peeps. So there are the rewards. I can see how it will take a year, because you have to work through all the associations and seasons. Gee, am I getting too process-y? Who cares? Whatever works. And yeah, it's going to be mentally tiring. Right? Marti, don't tell bakon but his advice is so rock solid!!! Hopefully he won't see this exchange. Haha. Also, I'm trying not to hang on the board in the middle of the night, and here I am, and in the American Wild West and it's --- way beyond midnight. Marti, thank you so much for sharing how you view this journey. I relate with how you speak about it. This may sound crazy, but you have always made quitting smoking a very exciting journey for me. That has been so great. That's how I want to speak about this journey to others. It's a challenge, and the rewards are great. xox Muchly Congrats on A-cing your computer exam!!!
  13. nope (cuz i'm clean as soap)
  14. Haha. Just joking around. Got the purse awhile back, too. Target ---------- you gotta get lucky when it's giving it up... Anyway,lucky girl! Think I'll get a new stuffed animal horse every quit month anniversary...at year's end will have a herd! Comfort things sound silly but bakon once wrote the advice to buy little things because, "the quit is work and must be paid..." --- I loved the idea and went out that day and bought a purple pencil sharpener. A really good one! (I use pencils a lot!) I'm certain I didn't do that with other quits. I white-knuckled it from Day 1...and well, the human spirit just can't hold on like that.
  15. OMG! I got the best fringed bag in girl's department at Target's for about same price. But where were the zebra head sweaters? Missed them!
  16. I have a horse stuffed animal. Got it at one month quit. I also still use the binky. (pacifier) --- obviously trying to find that time in my life before I smoked. Haha. I want to add, Jenny mentioned (really cold) ice water, and when I read that awhile ago it sounded so good. So I tried it, and it's become a mainstay. Don't know why it works...but it does. Thanks, Jenny! Also, I want a sweater with a zebra head like Ava!
  17. Oh, let's ignore the statistics, right? Do we need them to know truth? I was reading a lot of statistics, beacon, but MQ whipped me into shape. Do I think of accident statistics when I get behind the wheel of my truck? No. Because I'm a good driver, and I'm a defensive driver. That's the best I can do. I'm being really careful with this quit. I'm learning. I'm growing. I can't remember ever being this conscientious about a quit before. That's giving it my best. It's all I can do. I don't know if reading statistics is going to help my quit. I think that is what MQ was saying. I have no idea what "Grind this shit out," means (MQ's words :dirol: ) but it sounded like serious butt kicking! haha update: grind this shit out means stay dedicated, do it, get it done (then party?)
  18. I don't smoke and it's awesome, I don't smoke, come closer...and smell my sweet breath...oops, I'll get it, I quit smoking. I'm awesome. Rinse. Repeat. Thanks!
  19. I adore your guys on the motorcycle!
  20. I was rereading this, Marti, it's so good. I wanted to add something. When I smoked I always felt like I had a bad reputation with neighbors. This week a new couple moved in next door, with two cool dogs. I realized that for the first time in a VERY LONG TIME I would have new neighbors who wouldn't see me foremost as the person sitting on her porch chain smoking. It was kind of amazing. I felt like a new person. It was a big reward moment. I realize I will NEVER AGAIN be that horrid neighbor polluting the summer air. Non smokers are getting more vocal in their protests of smoking neighbors. It's just not cool anymore. It was a GREAT MOMENT to know I would now be the quiet, friendly neighbor waving hello. (Yes, in real life I am a quiet person! :wub: )
  21. Coming up on 2,000!!!
  22. You scare me a bit. lol. Heard ya loud and clear, boss. Thanks.
  23. nope (cuz i can cope)
  24. Spot on. All true. Thanks, Marti. Really appreciated this, Muchly. xox

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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