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Everything posted by cpk

  1. have you done this? knew about it but... never worked too something... but how about the language thing? changing how we speak about something? that seems to work for me you know, you are getting "liked" every time here... :)
  2. Thank you. When I came on this board at 18 days quit I wrote that I felt in "limbo" between smoking and not smoking. In a short amount of time I've been ushered into a new world of let it be so - we don't smoke. I'm so grateful. You always frequently post and 'like" --- your steady presence is deeply appreciated.
  3. Okay, yes. That's it, pretty basic. Nothing to buy into. I am at the point where there is sometimes a blank space where that smoker lived. It's weird. Like the brain is waiting...so now what get's inserted is I don't smoke... there's a sense of having a lot of freedom...and space...but I am still not fully living in it yet... a lot of rewiring still to go... smoking was like living in jail, when you get out it's like "Nooooo, you don't need permission to live,"... :)
  4. Marti: Think you and I are on the same page (always a delight!) NLP not hard science-y, but used in U.S. by a lot of life coaches. (like Tony Robbins) Just that how we talk and think determines our actions. It's important to say I don't smoke a lot of times so the brain gets message. Bakon pointed this out. Once the brain gets it then you can move forward. All the brain knows is that before --- the history was that everything was associated with smoking. I'm sorry I am going on and on about this. With the change of season there are a lot of triggers. People smoking outside everywhere. Smoke on the wind...everywhere. I have non-smoke home so inside at home it's easy now. No hidden cigarettes. Just candles. :) But "out there" is different. I need to have a shield and right now my shield is to repeat "I don't smoke" so my brain keeps getting the message that this is where we are NOW, and it's fabulous, too! :wub: How we talk, think, and act determines our destiny.
  5. i got it...just didn't say. tyme is secret rowdy girl ;) :) :lol:
  6. It has become popular in my town, especially with the young, to buy a single from someone. First, it was 25 cents, then 50 cents, and by the time I quit --- if I was smoking in public people would offer me $1.00 for a single cigarette. Insanity. Maybe speaks to how smokes have become increasingly more addictive because of all the added chemicals. People don't just want a cigarette for the enjoyment...they are seriously, seriously addicted. The tobacco industry devils must not win this war!!!! Newbies, let's put on our combat boots and keep kicking the butts to the curb!
  7. never bought carton in my entire smoking life. denial. lots of trips to gas stations and all night convenience stores. don't miss it...saving money on gas. babs, didn't your car have lighter? i would be out of my vehicle following the smoke to someone else's car if mine didn't have a lighter... smoke and no light? smoker's hell. love being reminded of what i'm not missing... Stay sound, Ava! (scouse talking...)
  8. I remember from this book that Frankl saved his own life (while in the camps) by visualizing himself in the future, lecturing about his philosophy of hope, and how it made him a survivor. He also wrote that in the camps the way they knew someone had given up all hope is that the person would start chain smoking all their secretly saved cigarettes. Sad.
  9. Are you talking about NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming)?
  10. Brains. Guess he'll have a new voice too...
  11. Okay. So new is computer animation? Puppets with strings...kinda creepy.
  12. but they do
  13. strings?
  14. I have no idea what you're talking about Doreen except the young at heart part, and all I can say is that you should have as much goodness and sweetness as life can dish out. :wub:
  15. new true self profile pix rocks
  16. love aussie accents
  17. stellar suggestion!
  18. smart girls can just watch without sound and know what's going on same with just listening... I'm 100% BBC world radio fan! Love the accents! yes on candles. never too many.
  19. Okay...for laughs. Met a guy this week 'bout your age. Had tattoos covering both arms from wrists to shoulders. I said, "Cool tats." He said, "I"m having them removed. Changed my career goals, and they don't fit." He told me to remove them will take 17 sessions, and US $1,800. To get them done cost US $2,500. Total cost to go from new to old, back to new new person? $4,300! Down the drain. All you have to do is lose some weight, and be patient. Perspective, man, perspective! :)
  20. lol in the middle of the night, in the middle of ...wild west merika ( larks! ) Your april 1 nope is the best! stars to you!
  21. Transitions. I hate them. Moving. New Job. New Relationships. Breaking up. Even happy transitions are hard for me. Life hands them out whether we like them or not. So I relate to you saying you miss the old you. Sometimes I miss "old me" from different periods of my life. Lately, I've gotten more specific, like exactly what about "old me" do I miss? Can I bring it forward and integrate it with the new me? Since quitting smoking I've gained weight and it's really not acceptable. But it's something I can change. Hard. But doable. I've also lost some ability to focus. Again, how can I help bring a more focused part of me forward into the present? Cuz life is change, and we do change. Even if you go back to the more comfortable "old you" who smokes, that you will change. And again, you have to think about those changes. You'll age quicker. If you stay single the dating pool will get smaller as more people who quit smoking won't date smokers. You'll have less energy than other people your age. You'll have to start hiding the fact you can't bike as well, or run up a flight of stairs as fast, or dance as long. You'll notice it. That's how the old you who smokes will change. You'll notice it, but you'll keep it a secret. (I know a smoker in his mid-30's who is really feeling the effects of smoking but he pretends that he is fine with smoking. But to me he's confessed, "I feel like I'll be dead before I'm 40." That's pretty dramatic!) It's not true that young people don't feel the effects of smoking. They do. Younger people who have quit have told me this over and over again. Maybe you'll go back and revisit the old you. If you do, pay attention to the physical effects. Compare old you with new you. I know another person in his late 20's who quit then went back to smoking - for one day. He said, "I woke up with smoker's hangover. I could feel every smoke I had the night before." He quit forever after really "feeling into his body" after a night out at the bars. I hate transitions, always have, always will. But they happen whether we like it or not. Things like not smoking, exercising, taking up a new sport to get fit...and so much more is in our control. We can't 100% shape our destiny...but we have more free will than we usually think we do. Good luck, and be kind to yourself.
  22. That little clapping guy is sooooooooooooo cool!!! :)
  23. not egg to bouncing ball.
  24. why are you asking dum question? stick to not smoking wisdom, bouncing ball
  25. Should I throw away my old lighters? Replace?

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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