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Everything posted by cpk

  1. Thanks, Frez. This is really good!! It makes sense. I'll have to push, and do excellent self care to give my overall health a boost. Even if I falter a bit, nothing lost, right? :)
  2. See, now that happened to me when I smoked, and I missed the connection, spent like 18 hours in the airport, got into Vermont in the middle of the night, missed the beginning of my conference, ended up in some in-the-middle-of-nowhere seedy motel for the rest of the night. ALL BECAUSE OF SMOKING, NOT SPRINTING. But you, Goddess, have the winged heels of a non smoker! Well done you! :)
  3. Thanks, Joe. Wow, you sneaky runner, you never posted anything about this! Got trails aplenty right out my door. This race is 10K but I found out I can go in the jog/walk wave. It (the race) has significance because for years I dreamed about doing it, and never made it real. This year I make it real. It's my Rocky moment. Haha.
  4. Haha. This did make me laugh. Perhaps this is the best sage advice. When I relax into my quit I feel good about what I've accomplished. I wasn't really thinking as much about fun as a challenge with this new goal. So there you go. I will look into the chi running thing. It sounds totally cool.
  5. Hmm haha yeah, thought I read something but couldn't quite remember. He said one of my posts was mumble jumble or something like that so glad i didn't turn up as MumbleJumbo! But think it might actually fit!!! I'm in a kind of rapture right now because I've discovered I can't think about running and smoking at the same time. In fact, am going out RIGHT NOW TO START DAY ONE. Slow easy walk jog at snails pace. Also, think ABS challenge pix need posting before you head out for your vacation, am I right Babs. Congrats. I read the threads and my abs hurt just reading that stuff, not to mention my tailbone. Ouch! Byebye, i want a baseball cap i can turn round backwards. (okay for ladies, any age :) )
  6. Thank you, all. The main thing I have heard is take it slow. I hate sports injuries. They spoil all the fun. Just wanted you guys to know I heard you on this. I AM SO CYKED. My quit needed some pump. It was starting to lag. And the amazing thing is when I think or talk about this RACE all thoughts of smoking just recede and get swept out of my consciousness like little dust shadows that belong in the past and have NOTHING TO DO WITH THE PRESENT. THANK YOU, ALL. THE STRONG QUIT IS THE SMART QUIT.
  7. I REALLY BLOODY CAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:
  8. Thank you, larks! People CAN walk this race if they want, or even jog slow as a tortoise. The reason is they (the race people) want to invite people to get out of their comfort zones, and to get out and participate. They always do stories on people who do it for the first time. But the coolest thing, larks, is I can't think about this race and smoking at the same time! They don't go together. It's an automatic laughing down strategy. :pleasantry: I've already got training schedules posted online to bring me from couch to 10K. I wasn't starting because I was scared. :blush: Well, now I say, scare my butt all the way to the finish line. :dance4: :rofl:
  9. pippa!! always there for me!!! thank you! :wub:
  10. Yeah, RF, I would prefer a 5K, but this is a pretty big annual race and I just want to participate. There's tons of online information as I live in an insanely sports oriented place. This is the last place on earth someone should be a smoker. Maybe I'll register for the 10K for the significance factor...but truly, your advice is the best. I will also look for a 5K. Oh MY Lord, I hate smoking! I hate what it took from me. I used to be soooooo active. Smoking does it over time, and you hardly know it's happening. I think frequent short sessions to start would be best. I do not want to get an injury. I also have access to swimming, hot tub, sauna, to soothe muscles. I'm all set, right RF?
  11. Thanks, RF. I have good pair of shoes to start. Goal to buy a new pair so will save up. I have to go to the running store to register. They put you on a running machine, and for this race, when you register they help you determine where you fit in, category-wise. They will record the info and give you a print out. I tell you, doing all this is more scary than going to the doctor's post-quit! Main thing is not to injure myself stupidly over-training. I am going to take the patience I learned from quitting smoking and apply it to this. The absolute worst that can happen is that this year I might have to walk the race. Oh, and this store always kicks in a pair of great running sox if someone is as pathetic as I am and seems to need a boost.
  12. Thanks. Any tips on how to avoid the dreaded shin splints (is that what they are called?) would be helpful. I'm going to start with walk jog intervals, and of course, warm ups and cool downs. I think short sessions. I tend to overdo all projects like this and injure myself with pushing too hard in the beginning. I'm in decent shape while being out-of-shape, if you know what I mean...
  13. Local, historical, and very well-known. Maybe will disclose after I participate. Not charity, and open to the masses. Different levels. Other years would have spent the day in another town where I could smoke in peace. How pathetic is that??? :( I think I have new energy that's turning into anxiety. I read somewhere on here that Frez did a race early into her quit and that has been on my mind all week...and inspired me to set this goal. So thank you, Frez. :)
  14. Wow. The mind games around smoking and quitting smoking. I have thought about this because I'm stuck between point A and point C...in B...Babble Land. Babbling on but not moving into new dreams. When I read of people's dreams - and usually on other sites (about health issues) they are still smoking while dreaming aloud - I think, yeah, but wait until you are in the middle of the quit...anxious, bloated, can't focus, avoiding triggers, just trying to get your health back... That's why I'm going to sign up for a summer 10K this week. I have the option to run, jog, or walk it. 10K...that's what? Around 6 miles? It's a nutty dream. But I'm tired of being in Babble Land. I'm tired of wearing tight big girl pants. I'm tired of not actualizing ALL MY DREAMS. After people quit -- without moving out of babble land, they can start feeling...is that all? Well, yes, in a way, hey, isn't it? That is, the quitting smoking part. Nope. Done. Dusted. Just N.O.P.E. But what about life? Shouldn't life get more exciting? When I was a kid and watched people in my family smoke I used to think, "All they do is smoke and talk, smoke and talk. They sit for hours and smoke and talk." In my mind, smoking was a lot about staying in Babble Land. Yada yada. Yakity-Yak. Smokers can sure talk. Until they lose their breath and start coughing! The worst that can happen with this race is I would have to walk it. But I would still have participated. I would still get the tee shirt. I'd be out of Babble Land...instead of babbling about my new life I'd be actualizing it. Right? Quitting was such a big goal. Then I went into No Man's Land. But it's not for me. I can't just march. I've always been a goal driven person. I'm posting this to make that whisper (maybe I could register for that 10K just for the fun of it?) into a goal made public. Because I believe this...you can chase the devils out of your house but they are doing push ups in the parking lot. Without a definite goal I'm vulnerable. And I mean a goal that's simple and well-defined and personally challenging. At 10 weeks I'm still pretty vulnerable...and can't afford to get stuck in Babble Land. PS This post has nothing to do with Babs. I think I remember she got that name because she babbled? Frankly, I have NEVER seen this. Maybe it was another time and place? I only thought about that after writing this post. I for one think Babs writes very succinct, thoughtful posts. I've become the babbler. sorry. :mellow:
  15. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I always felt like I was a non smoker who smoked! But these identities are over-thinking...which I do a lot. Please don't throw away a 10 month quit! I don't have much more to say, just that I'm thinking of you, and when I first came on at 18 days I said I was "sitting on the fence" and peeps here set me straight, I wasn't smoking so I did it. So you aren't a fraud or anything like that - if you don't smoke, you don't smoke. If you have a lot of thoughts you have a lot of thoughts. I've learned all this stuff here so I'm just sprinkling you with all the great quit pixie dust I've collected here. POOF! Sparkles in your hair, so there you go, Gabs!
  16. C :wub: NGRATULATIONS! :girl_wink: :dance4: :first_move: :preved: :party:
  17. cpk

    The Community....

    hahaha...never too late to learn new tricks...and,Doreen, what are you drinking?...is that boozy coffee...mid-morning? this town's naughty!
  18. cpk

    The Community....

    Pippa? Ava also has side business of selling exotic perfumes and scented candles for all occasions..
  19. cpk

    The Community....

    or maybe bakon switches teams? just gossip round town...nothin serious
  20. cpk

    The Community....

    Jackie also does lovely calligraphy and sells homemade positive affirmation cards
  21. cpk

    The Community....

    eriklambie is songwriter and rapper but mostly not around cuz young and has wanderlust... come back to visit, eriklambie!
  22. cpk

    The Community....

    if bakon works at Victoria's Secret he also has to be gay guy then Sonic can be straight and Sonic can do the special effects for local rock concerts and fireworks on July 4th
  23. cpk

    The Community....

    buMbLeB - editor of newspaper

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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