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Everything posted by cpk

  1. Quoting my quote. I didn't explain properly. I didn't mean my quit wasn't strong. I meant maybe I was blowing the problems out of proportion. Or making them too big and scary. Not everyone is the same kind of smoker. I smoked mainly to keep anxiety in check. I had a high stress profession, and gave it up this year and then quit smoking to further reduce anxiety. Everyone is right. This is a process.
  2. Thank you. I think the advice to enjoy the benefits of the quit is good. I did just revise my diet because during the past 10 weeks I didn't pay close attention...and I am taking vitamins now. Thank you for all you suggestions...they were all greatly appreciated.
  3. Saying kinda what bakon said but in such a nice way that makes it easy on the ear...thanks
  4. nope (10 weeks)
  5. I DO have other problems. I'm not going to spill all my beans on a public forum. However, what you say is true. The quit started out as something I wanted to get out of the way so I could improve the rest of my life. Now the quit is like a Paper Tiger. In my mind, it's big, and it roars, but maybe it's not all that strong. Made of paper. Flimsy. Poof. Easy to blow out of the way. I should just blow it out of the way. I'm not going out and looking for second hand smoke to breathe in to get a fix. I'm done with smoking.You are right. The quit is not my main problem. I'm just using it as a coat hanger. Thanks.
  6. I have health anxiety. Now I am sure of it. Yes, guys, my health has improved. I stopped coughing almost immediately. When I smoked I had headaches and they went away. I could barely walk, and now I can walk several hours at a stretch. I had a lot of fatigue when I smoked. Now maybe I have more energy and it's turning into anxiety. Leanna, I promise not to search any health issues for one month. This will be REALLY HARD FOR ME. I have a tight chest, and heaviness, but I will try more deep breathing. Nothing is getting worse.I think it's anxiety. I think I need to prove to myself in real life that I actually am getting better physically. I would like to jog/walk, but my lungs aren't yet ready...
  7. Okay, Leanna. You got it. I've developed intense health anxiety!!! I think the chest thing must be related to stress. I mean, partly. I have been spending hours goggling symptoms!!! There you go. Nothing I am experiencing is getting worse. I just want things to get better more quickly. Thank you for responding. All your advice is really perfect for my situation. I definitely have been stuck. Bless you, girl! This helps.
  8. I will talk to my doctor but she is really into lifestyle changes. I agree, but it's harder. But if I continue to feel like a basket case I will have to revisit medication, because I am not going to give up on this quit. Thank you.
  9. Thanks. I can't answer Gabby's question. I do have really good times, then it just swings in the other direction. First, I'm really up, I feel good, I feel like I am in control, and then BOOM,,,my good mood starts to vanish. I guess maybe it's the addiction trying to take advantage when I am feeling good, and trying to move on with my life. I don't feel this as cravings. It's more about mood swings. Yeah, I guess that's it. Because I USED smoking to control my moods. When I would start to feel a bit of anxiety of sadness, I would smoke. I seem to me unable to sustain my good moods, at this point. I also feel very threatened by anxiety, stress, or irritation. I sincerely don't know how you people here did it. I have so much admiration, respect, and love for you guys right now. You guys are just awesomesauce!! Now I am crying, and that just pisses me off! But I guess tears of relief are okay. Thank you, all. You people are real life warriors.
  10. I'm not posting an SOS because I have no desire to smoke. However, today feels like the worst day yet, and it's day 70. I don't even know why I am posting. I'm not crying or yelling or running around crazy. I just don't feel right. I have a lot of chest discomfort. In the past 10 weeks I have periods where it gets really bad, and afterwards when I look back I think it's related to stress. Not outside stress. I just don't feel well physically, then I start to stress about my health in a way I must have repressed when I smoked. I have good days. I just can't string a bunch of them together. On other sites and health related blogs I read what others have to say about not smoking. I can only say that I relate to everything others talk about. However, on the sites NOT DEDICATED to quitting people talk about getting to 5, 6, or 7 months and needing to smoke to be able to function. Of course, they get momentary relief, but then are hooked. That's so insane, and I can't even think about it. It does feel right now like I'm between a rock and hard place, though. All I can say is that this is harder than ever before, and scary. I would have thought by week 10 I would be "over" all quit symptoms. I have done a lot of research, but it doesn't really help. All I can think is that it's all about time. The more time I put behind me the better it will be. I really don't think I am romancing smoking. It's more like I am over-thinking, getting really depressed about everything, not handling stress very well. I have dark circles under my eyes from not sleeping well. I'm just a mess. I've started jog/walk, but my chest hurts, so it's slow. I'm really feeling sorry for myself. I don't do well with therapy or medications so I don't think that will help. On the "good" days I don't see that I am doing anything differently than on the "bad" days. It all seems very random. I can say for certain I have never gone through anything like this in my life. No other quit has been this hard. There's no pattern except it does seem that every week I feel my worst around my quit day, which is a Wednesday. But that seems insane. I guess this isn't an SOS about relapsing, but I really feel bad...maybe anxiety...dry mouth...sort of shaky...muscles aches. Since I went online and compared what others wrote elsewhere, I guess I feel everything I am experiencing is within a "normal range" -- but it does feel very, very extreme. It feels anything but normal. I have heard that sometimes people even go to the hospital Emergency Room when they get this way. They are usually given a mild sedative, and told to see their doctor as soon as possible. So when I think of going to the E.R. I just pass on it because it won't really help. This is terrible, and horrible. Please tell me that my one year quit this will all be behind me. If I know it will stop being so hard and painful at some point I can manage to go on. Thank you.
  11. Great post. I will never ever ever ever ever retrace these steps. Each step forward is a day of this early quit done/dusted. Tomorrow 10 weeks. Such a infant quit. :flirt:
  12. Thank you for sharing this. I am sorry for your loss. Way, way way too young for a parent to die. This post also reminds me of how fortunate I am to have found the resources for a good, solid quit. I think I will try to be a bit more brave, and grateful. Perhaps your Dad did try to quit, quiet like. Maybe my Dad did too, but I just don't recall. (My father did have periods where he smoked a pipe, and not cigarettes. Who knows, maybe this was a quit attempt?) Anyway, I have everything I need for a good quit, and I think this post has hit home how lucky I am. In memory of our fathers...
  13. "nice pair...lady lips...and cancer shitstick..." -bakon- King WL of Week
  14. I read your quit story in an older thread, and was inspired. Your posts are always uplifting. Congrats. :rolleyes:
  15. It's great you have a physician who is committed to walking through this with you. Altogether, you are not alone on this journey. :)
  16. "Just make sure that your voice is louder than the addiction." Love this post, Jackie! Thank your for this powerful sentence! I will bring it with me into this new week... Kudos, you! Wonderful post! Hang tuff, baby! :wub:
  17. WL award to bakon for promoting KD album with cancer stick cover
  18. Hall of Shame Award, KR
  19. "Not that we are better, but we really are." Maybe better off than, but not better than. You can inspire your friends, and maybe they will join you. Stay strong, for yourself, and your loved ones.
  20. This is a great list. Thanks for sharing, TEW!
  21. Joining you in doing a brisk walk today! :)
  22. Tymie, I'm glad to hear you are going to see your physician. I agree, that getting your situation evaluated is a smart move, and I hope to hear the results. I, for one, think the sleep disturbance, although it may calm down later, is debilitating in the early quit. It has been my experience. It settled down for a few weeks then went wild again.The melatonin my doctor said I should try has had minimal effect. Now I'm taking out the "big guns" of exercise...however, it's really hard to put this into place when someone is already feeling depleted. It requires an almost superhuman effort. Please let us know how you are doing! Everyone cares, and like they tell me here, keep checking in!
  23. gonna be 10k girl this summer cuz I BLOODY WELL CAN! :yahoo: :party: :party2: :dance4: :dance2:
  24. hoist the sail and fly the nope
  25. FEEL THE LOVE, BABY, FEEL THE LOVE! :wub: :girl_pinkglassesf: :friends: :heart: :party2: :girl_haha:

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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