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Everything posted by cpk

  1. First cigarette was important because the body was craving nicotine after doing without for several hours...that's all. It makes sense the more mornings without it the easier it gets. It was not more merrier than any other smoke of the day...just needed more. Have a good week, Michele, full of many creative mornings. Hmm...think I'll make French toast for breakfast this week! :party: Here's to great fun mornings for all!
  2. On any given day you only have to be at least 51% sure you don't want to smoke to keep your quit secure. So do whatever you can't to tip things even 1% more than 50% in favor of quitting. That edge makes all the difference in the world...
  3. Michele, have a great Monday. :paratrooper_girl: :wink:
  4. Do we know what blowpops are, yet? :acute: Cuz seems like they work! Michelle, don't listen to any of my advice. I am known as the person who sucked on a baby's pacifier (binky) the first week of my quit! :tender: Cookies are great. My go to comfort food during this quit has been angel hair pasta. In fact, had it for breakfast today with artichoke hearts, and cottage cheese. Ah, but things get weird during a quit! :laugh1: :huh: :wink: Don't worry, little guy, Michele is gonna tell us what blowpops are...
  5. Bakon used scream therapy....or at least yelling into the wind therapy...maybe I'd consider it if I was on the back of a hog... :)
  6. I don't believe in "scream therapy" as an effective tool in building a strong foundation in any area of life. It's just antithetical to the way I view gaining personal freedom. I would not advise catering to cravings, urgers, and triggers with unrestrained violent emotions, no. If a person is already using "scream therapy" I guess it's their thing...however, I am saying I would never advise it as a quit smoking technique, ever, because smoking is a "hot" addition, and cooling methods (drinking ice water, breathing, talking with supportive friend or sponsor, walking) are more effective in the long run.
  7. Congrats, Michelle... :D
  8. If you consistently want to not smoke more than you want to smoke you will secure your quit. The strong quit is the smart quit. The smart quit is to know that your reasons for quitting and staying quit far outweigh your cravings and triggers. You are in charge of your quit.
  9. You are in charge of your quit. If you consistently want to not smoke more than you want to smoke, then your quit is secure. If you secure your quit, nothing will shake it, not matter what comes along.
  10. The association will be defeated when you want it to be defeated. You are in charge of your quit.
  11. I didn't smoke inside my home or in my vehicle, ever, and didn't allow anyone else. Hated the smell. I smoked because I was addicted.
  12. Go, sista! :flirt: :paratrooper_girl: :girl_wink:
  13. n.o.p.e.
  14. As I read this am momentarily headed into the kitchen to make coffee which I will have while snuggled in bed. This may be the most delightful freedom yet...to be warm and cozy while drinking my morning coffee instead of standing out on my porch with a coat thrown over my pajamas, sucking on a poisonous cigarette. It's funny how this is the smoke people say they miss the most when quitting...when in reality it was the worst cigarette of the day...the one that started up the chain. Besides being just foul...yuk! Freedom gets bigger and bigger!
  15. One of the founders of AA died from smoking related disease. Just sayin...smober attitude might not be bad thing to talk up...and setting a new date of freedom that includes freedom from smoking sounds really great...
  16. Hmmm. I heard something similar years ago from someone who quit smoking then took a vacation to Paris. She didn't feel left out, but observed how strange it was to visit a culture where everyone was smoking.... in the coffee houses, on the streets, and in the nightclubs. It was more annoyance --- to spend so much money on a dream vacation...then to be subjected to smoking everywhere. I read that Disney Cruises has now banned smoking on the balconies of their rooms and smokers who have already booked are very upset. At least you are on the right side of a topsy turvy world!
  17. crankyman go eat some ice cream yourself :shout: :gamer1: :girl_cray2: :vampire: :wizard: :tease:
  18. note: month three still bit of a roller coaster...nothing abnormal 'bout that...we are doing f.i.n.e.
  19. note: this thread is old...
  20. Bakoman. We're doing fine. I'm sewing and getting ready to watch a movie. You could be nicer to folks still riding the roller coaster. We can't help it if the roller coaster ride is not quite over for us...but it is slowing down and getting smoother. We are allowed to whine here on QT. Maybe you could go hang out with chicks and sticks or wherever people go who want to chill. Said with respect. I gotta go as Russell Crowe awaits. :music:
  21. This quit was different for me in that I didn't set a quit date. I just woke up one day not wanting to smoke ever again, and my quit was born. An easy quit? Lordie, no! I have only very recently returned to the Land of the Living. Good luck! It's a beautiful journey. The most important one you will ever take because it is life affirming. Ride it out, cry it out, whine it out, and soldier it out. Post it out, read it out, sleep and eat it out, exercise it out. The promise here is...it gets better. Believe and trust...that it will be better. :girl_wink:
  22. Was at grocery store, and glanced at a guy in the parking lot who was smoking. It suddenly looked strange to me -- someone with a flaming stick hanging out of their mouth. The smoking part of this addiction really looks kind of silly. :big_boss: So happy that's not me anymore! On the ground I saw three shiny new pennies which I pocketed for 3X good luck today. In truth, every day I vow n.o.p.e. I am creating my own good luck. I feel this now very deeply, and it brings a keen sense of quiet inner happiness and comfort. Not smoking is its own reward. :heart: :heart: :heart:
  23. n.o.p.e.
  24. Many people have mentioned month four as a milestone month, and I am looking forward to it.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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