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cpk last won the day on May 19 2015

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  1. Congrats, luv.
  2. just put down the friggin cigs
  3. cpk

    chicks or sticks

  4. You've got it. Farewell and love
  5. cpk


    Yeah. It is. But I did an sos to myself, so I think I will be okay.
  6. cpk


    Well, this was a genuine sos to myself. Yes. How do you know who I am talking about? There's a lot of ignorance in the world, in everyone's world.
  7. cpk


    To myself: Don't let other people's ignorance ... just don't.
  8. I am sure TEW will understand. How about doing a QT blog??? I'd love that, then I could check in with you via your blog and get all inspired, too!!! The point is, Leanna, a few years ago I got serious, like you, and did diet and exercise, and it was like, "Hello, body!" and Leanna, it is amazing, because, yes, you can have a body you feel 100% comfortable in. But I "relapsed" and just like a smoking relapse it's a drag to have to start all over. I hope you consider doing a blog. Okay, TEW is going to be jumping in any minute!
  9. I can get really slender and strong but I have to work at it like a dog. (Just reality! :( ) When I do I am always amazed and think, "Wow, I really can do this," :) (just like you!) but invariably I bounce back to gaining weight. My Irish friend and I have been doing this since we were teenagers, and now we are older dogs still doing the gain/lose dance. Really, it's hard if your body wants a higher "set point" ----- Once you lose a lot of weight you can eat anything and not gain --- for awhile --- and it's crazy fun - haha. Then...BOOM...back to lumpy Irish potato body! I think quitting smoking can help us both because this time I just want to get thin and stay thin...and I have to pledge "nope" daily to refrain from eating like a pig. Haha. (I just finished a week of low carb and it was fine) I am going to be following your journey closely, Leanna, so keep posting, my dear Irish Scottish lass (owh! double whammy! Blame the ancestors!!!)
  10. Congrats. Believe me, you're gonna want to celebrate month 2, 3, 4, 5...etc. because why not? Now get out there and shop...someone needs a big fat 1 month reward!
  11. WOW! This is beautiful! You made my day. Maybe your body really doesn't hate you, Leanna. Some of us just have to wrestle with metabolism, and other issues due to genetics. If anything, our ancestors hated us, Haha! That's how I feel sometimes. I'm part Irish and my friend is 100% Irish, and we always complain about having lumpy potato eaters as ancestors. However, my friend lost about as much as you did, and in the same time frame. I am really happy for you, Leanna. Keep going. I'm also on the weight loss trail. (Really just beginning, at 5 months quit, as I now find the weight gained since quitting smoking unacceptable.)
  12. Glad to read this. There is a very real psychological thing --- a specific kind of mental fatigue that goes with forming a new habit. (I read about it.) I wrote blog entry on experiencing similar problems this summer. Best to treat ourselves kindly. We've got this. We aren't going to cave. Treat yourself to something, larks. I bought myself new earrings I could ill afford because they make me happy. I am also making it a point to try to really connect with everyone I meet in the course of my day. Thanks for your post!!! Connect, connect and engender warm fuzzies. Oh, I also think I will listen to more music. =)
  13. Congratulations on awesome weight loss!!! You are very inspiring, Leanna. Keep on keeping on improving your health. Loving watching your journey. :)

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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