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Everything posted by robf

  1. Remove ALL smoking paraphernalia from your life, throw out lighters, cigarettes, ashtrays, etc etc. Empty ashtrays in your car, clean your car, get some shake and vac and put the freshness back (do the shake and put the freshness back, if your carpet smells fresh your room does too, all you have to do is remember what to do... etc). Empty any smoking bins you had, sweep up any cigarette butts there might be near you. Do it now. Don't complain. And your "Emergency pack"... Throw it out. And that bit of weed... give it to a hippy friend. If you desperately want to smoke again you have made it difficult to do so.
  2. robf

    Ask RobF

    Do you envisage staying in Norwich for ever? - Nothing is forever, stuff changes, quite happy at the moment but who knows what's going to happen or what direction your life might go. Digging your heels in an not budging because of fear or comfort is no way for a human to live, go where life takes you (within reason obviously). What is your dream holiday? - My dream holiday would be one where I don't need a holiday to unwind afterwards and not be faced with x weeks of work when I get back to normality... But I know what you're asking... There's a million places I want to see, the poles, space, Cuba, Mexico, Egypt (in the 70s), Singapore, Kenya anywhere I've not been basically. There's no one place I want to go above others. But with a 2.5 year old there are certain practicalities that need to be taken into consideration (as well as fiscal commitment!)
  3. robf

    Ask RobF

    What was the last thing that made you: -laugh with abandon - Dumb answer but my son tickling my feet and him finding it hilarious which made me laugh more, which made him laugh more.. .etc etc. -cry like a baby - I cry all the time now, not really like a baby but have a little sob at sad things like RSPCA commercials, can't actually remember the last time I had a really good cry -angry - All the time!! I keep getting emails from idiots who want something stupid, or blatantly lie about something, I doubt my blood pressure is good. You have a wonderful sense of humor. Do people take offense quite often or just go with it? - I never (rarely) actively go out to offend anyone, I enjoy a good debate / argument but my intention generally would be to spark conversation and debate, people generally get offended when they run out of defence on a topic. My friends know I push the limits of what is generally perceived as polite conversation and I think they enjoy a bit of shock now and again. My humour / general id is what it is. Take it or leave it, I'll rarely apologise for it. If people don't like it they can hang out with someone else, doesn't bother me.
  4. I've been quit for a little over a year and the amount of people who have quit and relapsed and quit and relapsed in that time is phenomenal. It's interesting to see the pain they keep putting themselves through, and the pointlessness of it all. If you want an easy life, quit an stay quit! Seriously relapsing might feel like the easy way out but you need to go through withdrawal again, and the stress of feeling like you've failed, and the knowing looks from me and pointing at you and prodding you with a stick saying "Fricking idiot". Educate yourself, smoking has been demonstrated to likely make you poorly and give you a bit of ouchy which needs a little more than strokey strokey there threre kissy better. Throw away all smoking paraphernalia. Cigarettes, skins, tobacco, filters, lighters, matches, ashtrays. If your partner isn't on board with your quit, withdraw sexual favours until they go outside for smokes and clean their teeth afterwards. If you have a faith, your gods will not help you, after all, they created tobacco in the first place. It's all on YOU! Sorry. You chose to start smoking, you choose to stop smoking. It's entirely your responsibility and no amount of excuses, blame or reasoning will change this.* Don't relapse, 'tis a silly thing to do. Make your life easier, stay quit. * Unless of course there was some kind of clockwork orange like forcing you to smoke thing then I take it all back.
  5. I see a lot of threads like this and the question I always have is "Where did you get the cigarette from?" See, I have arguments and (even now) feel like a smoke afterwards, but for me to achieve that I would have to go out, walk / cycle / drive to a shop, buy cigarettes, matches / lighter, and then put the thing in my mouth and smoke it... By the time I'd even have got out of the door the realisation of what I was doing would have hit me and smoking simply wouldn't have happened. I've said it before, I'll say it again, remove ALL smoking paraphernalia from your life, it's just silly not to. ... Oh and... gee up, it's ok, quit again, don't worry, get back on the horse, it's just a stumble, we all make mistakes yada yada yada.
  6. Turning out nice.
  7. robf

    Ask RobF

    How old are you? 40 Are you married? Not any more What do you do for work? Computer programmer. Do you have kids? If yes, how many? One What is your favorite book? Probably Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy. What is your favorite movie? Bladerunner How easy is it to ride a bike in Norwich ( re. traffic)? Here's me cycling through the traffic about a year ago https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PaZ9ULniuA
  8. There was a really long queue for sandwiches this morning. FML
  9. I wish my girlfriend didn't worry about her appearance (all the bloody time!), she's beautiful and has an incredible arse. She need not worry.
  10. I'm old and taken! Just saying what I see!
  11. 2 Weeks is excellent, unfortunately week 3 is also going to be tough, week 4 however, I found things to be returning to normal. Be well. As a footnote: I don't know what your ex did for you to break up but you appear (judging by posts and avatars) to be smart, fun and attractive, so he was clearly a dick. Just sayin.
  12. Nice, next milestone 400 days.
  13. I quit on a whim, it was my 39th Birthday and thought, I'm done with this, I want to have not smoked for a year for my 40th birthday. I gave myself that present!
  14. Well if you live cycling distance to work then I'd choose that. I got on my bike for my quit and haven't looked back since. Although I'm still a little more covered than I'd like to be I don't think I'm looking too bad for a 40 year old! And I've got legs and backside of steel! Extremely happy from the waist down! Just wish my upper body was better!
  15. I'm 'lucky' in that I can have 'just one'. Well... I say that... But the 'just one' has lead to full blown smoking again. The reason why it developed into full blown smoking was ignorance and being young and bulletproof. Previous quits I've not smoked for months (gone through the whole withdrawal), had one or two, continued to be quit for months (that was fine!), had one or two, continued to be quit for a couple of weeks, had one or two (no problems!), quit for a week, had one or two (well, it's the weekend isn't it!), quit for a couple of days, had one or two (just fancy one OK), quit for a day, had one or two (it was a bad day), quit for a few hours (REALLY bad day), had one or two... and so on! Oh look, I'm a smoker again! This demonstrates that I can have a smoke and then not smoke for months, so if I can do that I can have one and not smoke for years... but... we are what we are! Which is why with this quit I've taken it a lot more seriously, read up on what it does to you, what the outcomes are and what to expect... I think like so many things, education is by far the best tool.
  16. Although I appreciate the sentiment I passed my driving exam first time, does that mean it wasn't a real pass? Should I have failed first? If you relapse I don't think you should be tied to a pole and shot (request a last cigarette?!). I've always been an advocate of getting back on the horse and carrying on, if you've only smoked one or two cigarettes it's unlikely you've re-established your addition (depending on how long you've been quit for). Smoking fewer cigarettes is better than smoking lots. So if it takes you a bunch of times to actually get to zero cigarettes then so be it, even if for the next 6 months you smoke a packet on a Friday night every week. You'll realise from what people say on here and from your own experience that actually it's better to not do that, and it's easier not to. I'm rambling... I'm going to shut up now.
  17. What they said... basically it's pooey and it gets better... but you have to deal with the poo for a while.... It sucks... Sorry.
  18. Would you prefer it stay in your lungs or belly?! I think there's something quite poetic about it being crapped out of ones arsehole! Seems appropriate to me!
  19. It's likely due to the gunk working it's way out of your lungs and dripping down your throat... going down to your tummy before getting pooed out!
  20. Currently no guests... You've scared them all off! Seriously though... guests... lurk, read, learn, join, quit... Or LRLJQ for short, which is far more catchy. lurk observe learn join quit... LOLJQ Read Observe Frequent Lurk.. ROFL... I dunno... I'm sure there's one in there somewhere!
  21. That's pretty much my strategy... you're the boss... not the smokes.
  22. Of course! Yeah, did lost boys, I think that might have been a bit 80s for her, she found it more quaint than anything I think! Probably going to be a similar story with Near Dark too... Although if you take the cast of Near Dark and use the Directors Husband, you do end up with Aliens, which surely is a good movie to subject a 13 year old girl to?!
  23. robf

    A Gorgeous Man!

    I think you should maybe take a bit of personal time and calm down a little!
  24. I have some niece who is just 13... Just maybe give it a year until I can start feeding her decent movies, she's obsessed with bloody twilight and tripe like that... So when I can show her blade and some proper vampire movies I think the world will be a better place. I thought she'd do OK with Pans Labyrinth and Hellboy (perfect for a 13 year old I say!) and she loves them both now. BladeRunner (the most awesome movie ever) I think might be a bit out of her reach, give it a year! And Oldboy... yeah... might be a few years before she sees that!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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