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Everything posted by robf

  1. robf

    4 weeks today

    Nice work... But... as I've mentioned before (and as you've alluded to)... Don't get complacent about your quit... Triggers come and bite your arse all the time.
  2. What's your bra size?
  3. What's your bra size?
  4. What's your bra size?

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      LOL @ Beacon :)

    3. NeedforSpeedHM


      haaa beacon! my size, is " I wish I were bigger".. ahem..

    4. Frezflops


      big ones are overrated lol


  5. What's your bra size?
  6. What's your bra size?
  7. What's your bra size?
  8. Cheers guys! And just to reiterate: Everyone will (or already has) hit this number... unless you relapse!
  9. You've not answered the question ;)
  10. Have you ever sold drugs or offspring, or blackmailed someone to pay for your own drug habit?
  11. What's you bra size? ;)
  12. I would do anything for love... but I won't do that... no I won't do that...
  13. The trick from here on in is not to smoke...
  14. I've got friends like you who are never single, they seem to jump from one person to the next with no break. As Paul said, sort your head out first, being single is fine, as Robert D'Niro said in Heat "I am alone, I am not lonely" (incidentally if you've not seen Heat, go and watch it, it's awesome). Surround yourself with friends who you want to talk to rather than going out on the pull. You'll find it quite refreshing to find your own space and be known for you rather than one half of a couple. Be well.
  15. Cool, catch you on the flip side. Just remember this board is still here if you ever need it and even after 8 months you WILL get triggers, so expect them. I find this board helpful to reinforce why I quit and giving advice to people going through withdrawal reminds me of the pain. So if you feel a bit of a wobble, or a big ass trigger, then come on here and support the newbies, it'll squash that trigger like a very annoying squashable thing. Take care.
  16. So I'm having a really crappy day... Within 10 minutes of reading emails I'm shouting across the office about these idiots emailing me and having a massive rant. My blood pressure is almost certainly dangerously high. And you know what I thought... Frick this, I'm going for a smoke! There's plenty of people here who I could steal one from if I wanted to. So day 467, still getting that pang. Still having that memory of the joy of stepping out of the office when it all gets stupid and having that breathe out and relax cigarette. I know this is not a true representation of the situation, I know a cigarette will not help, probably going for a walk will. Anyway, I didn't have one... but just saying, they still come!
  17. robf

    Ask RobF

    Did you speed up the video - No. That's all actual speed Dont you feel nervous doing that? - I don't really take risks. The only bad bit in the video was the lights turning green unexpectedly at the end so had to get across the traffic. That was stupid on my part and utterly avoidable. Have you ever been to the states? - yep did New York, Atlantic City and Phili many many years ago. Do you like cookies? - Of course!
  18. Beer snobbery isn't becoming! Down the pub with friends is the main thing!
  19. Isn't "Pride" an oven cleaner?
  20. Having you three down the pub with me would be interesting (or scary) I'm sure!
  21. The fascination the women have of your skirt is incredible... what other powers do you have?
  22. About 1:40 until I seriously consider the pub About 2:40 until I am at the pub with a pint Anyone else coming?
  23. robf

    Ask RobF

    Are you gay? - No, I do wish I liked penis as when I was single I definitely would have got laid more, however it's ladies that float my boat.
  24. I've said it before the math is simple. If you burn more calories than you consume, you will lose weight. If you consume more calories than you burn, you will gain weight. Therefore burn more or consume less.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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