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Everything posted by Mike.
I'm still here, wondering what's next. Once I find it I'm going to go hard cause, I don't know any other way. I think the nature is in this ...
Stevie Wonder
King Bees
Do it T. Don't just check it out. Go hard on this! Spend a little money on your health. Your health plans from work should cover some of the costs. The hardest part will not be spending the money but, doing what she/he suggests. Mine told me that RN's are the clients she likes the most, because they interact well with her but, like in other things, we tend to be the worst clients ... I did a quick research of the Naturopathic Doctors in the province, (checked their provincial association), narrowed it down to where I live and then started reading their Business Bios online and choose one from there. The one I chose lived and was initially trained in Ontario, and followed her professional husband back to Saskatoon. There are many very qualified docs in Ontario, it being one of the two provinces that have the training schools. At least, when I last looked their was only the two, with the other being in B.C. Here's an interesting aside (for me) to my later post last night. (My damn memory still works very well, but my recall is struggling with my depression). That should resolve itself as the depression does ... Anyways ... I read about a scientist, (it might have been Thomas Edison), who often would find solutions to problems he was wrestling with in dreams. He would wake to find that he had dreamed the solution, would get out of bed, put into practice with success. I have done similarly. I may be getting better because, I had a similar dream to what I have had in the past, last night. I have been struggling with how to best help you! In my dream, I was settling into a new position and office with my superior. When she was done, she opened a filing cabinet drawer of charts, to show me my active list of clients. She also told me, that one of them was waiting in our waiting room for me presently. The manager left. I called the receptionist to have the client come in. YOU walked in! The rest is of little consequence here. But, I had been thinking of you while I was sleeping, and now know that I need to push you on following up with a Naturopathic Physician. I can't do this from afar ... Do it T. Blessings!
Hi T. I'll leave the meds to you. That's the easy part, right? :wink3: I was going to provide you my recommendations via PM. Alas, I am not able to provide substantive (evidenced based studies), on what I propose. I am not well enough to do this. But, I did want to share what I know and remember, from past studies/readings. I want you to see a Naturopathic Physician. Have a full physical exam. I am going to start seeing mine again, in the next month. 1) Ask her/him about Rhodiola. It is derived from Golden Root/Arctic Root, grown in northern climates. Extracts from these northern species (Canada being one), are of the most beneficial kind. Rhodiola benefits include dealing with symptoms during the healing stage of Nicotine Cessation. It promotes the natural functions of neurotransmitters we struggle with up to the 12 weeks of healing in Cessation. Natural Anti-depressants. It also promotes sleep. It is very beneficial for adrenal overload, due to an exhausted endocrine system, creating High levels of cortisol. This creates fatigue, lethargy and auto-immune problems. *Be sure to get this from a supplier of Rhodiola that provides capsules that are similar to what is found in the natural state, of the northern roots. Stay away from Chinese combinations, as they have too much Salidrosides in them and produce a stimulative effect. You don't want that. The one that I was prescribed by Doc is: Thorne's It is a combination I suggest too. Now, it is important to state again, that you must see a Naturopatic Physician for advice on the correct one to buy. Just going to a health food store and asking an unqualified person, can get you the wrong combination of Rhodiola (Rosavins) and (Salidrosides). It should be standardized to be 3% of Salidrosides, and not any higher. Chinese can have as high as 10% standardization, which causes too much stimulant effect, for you. 2) Ask for the best Stress vitamin combinations. 3) Ask for natural sleep-aids, excluding the melatonin, due to your intolerance. 4) Follow-up with other needs found to be needed to be attended to, from initial examination. 5) Thank me, later. lol. The best I can do T. I could look for substantive studies I have read extensively before, for you to learn about some of the supplements, I know about but, I'm not up to it and cannot remember them well enough to document for you now. :)
duh nothardtofigureoutwithlessthan10secondsofthought backtothemusicsection ...
lol ... I need to take a lot of responsibility for things. Never for how the Canucks play! Actually, the Flames must be playing better than they are. It should turn around. ...
Aaron Neville https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXy93iEe2co
Yep! Montreal Canadiens 3 wins. Ottawa Senators 0 wins. *The only team, that worries me this year, is the New York Rangers. They could beat the Habs. How are the Vancouver Canucks doing? I know they are playing right now, but I haven't been following their series with the Calgary Flames.
Yep! And Ottis!
Ottis Redding https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PyxLaHmOaYM
Percy Sledge
He deserves more than one song.
Hotel California https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yyy4yaVwsv0
The Boxer
Even the toughest can be struck down!
I chose this clip but, if you want you can pick a live video of it in, B.C. Place.
Hang on for the first minute ... It's coming!
Just like "the oldest", said once about Ray Charles, Whitney Houston, "can make you just want to weep".
Jackie. I feel your pain! :( I'm glad you saw your way through it Smober! :) I once was on my way to being a Hacker, (not any more). It still smarts to hear people attach a negative connotation to the term. :mafia: See the difference between Hackers and Crackers.
Only the greatest professional sport franchise, in the world! Maybe Yankee fans will disagree, as they have won one more World Series Championship, than the Montreal Canadiens, have won Stanley Cup Championships. (I think I got that right. You can correct me on the amount of times the Yankees have won, now. The Canadiens, have won 24 times). Montreal Canadiens. Why they are called the Habs! The Stanley Cup - The Holy Grail of Hockey. New York Yankees. Go Habs!