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Everything posted by Mike.

  1. nevermind
  2. Thank you, everyone. I have been pretty much like all of you, 'cept the BAT! I didn't take up caffeine after quitting, that seems BAT-ackwards. lol I'm pretty much like Michelle. I have quit, and after a couple of days, I suffered no negative side-effects. Only positive ones. But, something would come up, often when I am made to work 16 hours, and be back to work in 8 hours. When days like that would start to happen, I would take 6 ounces of coffee, get a real rush, and push through until I could sleep. Usually that would start a cycle of caffeine use, sometimes moderated like other's have spoken of here until I succumb to full-fledged all out, let's drink it all day. That's where I am now. Way too much. So, being that moderating it, is not something I am bent towards, I am just going to quit. I tend to be an all or nothing type. Anything worth doing, is worth over-doing. So, quitting coffee is in line with the quitting booze, drugs, smokes, extra-curricular sex, bad eating habits, (I lost 55 pounds in the last 14 months, and am now my goal weight). Again, I don't know how to moderate, over the long haul. Next is keeping up with my newly started again, work-out regimes, and then the health diet my Naturopathic Doc wants me to go on. The diet is simple enough but, requires some commitment to attending to it every day, for six months. My life is in such flux right now, with moving on out of a relationship and moving, it will be difficult to always cook, while everything is all over the place. But, I am going to try to do it at the same time. Quitting coffee, is easy enough. Again, thanks.
  3. And ... :) I'm off to bed.
  4. Thank you, for the response, Trace. Yep. We are still co-habiting but, not for much longer. I am faced with a lot of challenges, right now. I am in part, looking to see the new opportunities, that this situation can offer. As far as you understanding that I was looking to see other's passions, that they find encouraging/enlightening/invigorating/motivating/sustaining, I think it would be unreasonable for anyone to know that. But, I was wondering what other's found that stirred them inside. I think if I spent more time these days reading other's threads, I wouldn't have to ask so, I am to blame for not knowing this. To expect other's to understand what I am going through, is even more unrealistic, given my bent towards being vague. Again. Thank you.
  5. I am a little surprised at the small amount of responses. I expected more. Oh well, I guess it's a personal thing, and at the end of day, it is my passions, that need to be identified and pursued anyways.
  6. Another bucket list entry. My caffeine intake, is way out of hand. I have quit before, after large quantities of coffee +/or caffienated soft drinks. It has been relatively easy to do, to +++ drowsiness for 2 days, with a mild headache. Tylenol will look after headache if I really have to. I have always felt better with not having the highs and lows of it. I'm in the ?inevitable position, to have naps if I want to. Anyone have any experiences, they wish to share?
  7. See ya on the other side.

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    2. Mike.


      Maybe a couple of love songs, then a nap before the Habs game. :-)

    3. Jenny


      lol :)


    4. Mike.


      Nappy time again!


      Habs on, in 1 hour!

  8. -15
  9. -15
  10. NOPE. I'll leave that for the Queen!
  11. Will there be pictures of women in skirts, or are talking of yourself?
  12. It has begun. Lawyering, for the inevitable fleecing. What's left ... I don't smoke, don't drink, don't drug, have no girlfriend. Standing firm. Be fair as I can ... while holding on to the grace and beauty. Some say, that it is always darkest before the dawn. It's coming ...
  13. First, comes singularly ... free falling and tumbling in the abyss. As I am lost and consumed, I'll be trying to remember, there is grace and beauty remaining, to be enjoyed. You are are one, my dearest.
  14. I will not smoke today.
  15. Graceland https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvliMzAFWHM
  16. Yes, there's much to live for still. :)
  17. Also, the Canadian Rocky Mountains, are calling me again ... Moraine Lake, Alta. I hope it is not too long, til I get there, again.
  18. She stirs and inspires me, to push into the unknown. With her ... I see grace and beauty, in the world still.
  19. ^^^ Reminds me of someone, I once knew! Edit: In the end, I realized, I only thought I loved her ... and left. This one, I have loved and, I am leaving again.
  20. Ya damn it. Some of the meds you are on, can be a real bitch for piling on the weight. You're in it tough but, It can be done. It's just takes more resolve, than the rest of us lucky ones. I've seen people do it, to their credit. So, take heart and don't expect huge losses quickly. Going in the right direction, is what will, "win the day", in the end. :)
  21. I haven't read the thread. I saw Sgt's post and was intrigued. I agree. I saw you mentioned something about eating like a rabbit. To add, you must continue to get the protein, you need. It will only slightly affect a reduction diet, but to not have enough protein over the extensive period of a prolonged reduction diet is bad. When the body is loosing fat due to significantly reduced caloric intake without sufficient protein intake, there can be loss of muscle tissue, too. You don't want to risk that. I hope I haven't repeated what others have said.
  22. Yep. Orders. It's the way of a person like me. Thanks, for the sentiments.
  23. If I can't go around or over, I'll go through it. Watch for it, I'm coming ...

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