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Everything posted by IamDoingIt

  1. Wow Jonny! Another great post. This is my entire plan! I may be new in this quit, but I do know how to quit. I'm not going to dwell on smoking. I'm also not going to dwell on not smoking. I've had a few moments, but they passed. I am now a non-smoker...that's it.....no big deal, no small deal....it IS the deal. Let's just get on with life.
  2. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! What a powerful story! I have the EXACT same story, except mine turned out a little differently. Needless to say, I committed myself back to nicotine addiction. I wish I would have pulled out of that parking lot just like you.....smoke free and with freedom from nicotine. You have almost 5 years. I only have 1 day because I got out of the car and went inside. Now, I have to start over, and you are 5 years ahead of me. Well, 5 years is only time. My next 5 will be smoke free.
  3. Hi Suz! Welcome! 5 years is so impressive. I have enough left of my life that I could have a 5 year quit and enjoy many more years. Welcome again!
  4. action: Actually, today really has been a breeze. I have had a few thoughts. Analyzed them and put them away. My workday is just about over, and during work (break time) is my worst time with smoking. I just stayed on the board and read. I hope I am not in for a slam on day two or three. I'm excited that time is passing since my last cigarette. Just 4 more hours and day one will be done and behind me.
  5. I, too, really enjoy post like these. I have never gotten past the 6 month mark. So, this quit, I want to get out of no man's land and find out what that feeling is like for myself. You're an inspiration!!!!
  6. Trish, I see that you have had a relapse. You already know smoking does nothing for you. I am recovering from a relapse and am new in this quit. However, I can tell you from my past quit.....you can do everything and enjoy everything as a nonsmoker just as much as a smoker. Enjoy every minute with your family.....drink, eat and be merry. Just don't smoke. Feel sorry for your relatives. Perhaps talk to them. I bet they want to be right where you are.....a nonsmoker!!!!
  7. I Tiff! I'm here early on in my quit. I need and want the support of the forum, too. Let's get on this ride and stay on it.
  8. Tiffany, it's already been said many times, but I'm going to reiterate.... Your friend is FRIGHTENED!!!!!! You are part of her smoking world that is disappearing. She is still an active addict who has never faced quitting. I hope your example will lead her down the path of quitting. Stay STRONG.....Stay QUIT!
  9. The longest journey always starts with one step. This journey is going to last a lifetime. I have started, and I'll never stop.
  10. Iam works for me!
  11. I've got a couple of bags of sunflower seeds that I've been munching on. Lot's of ice water too!
  12. The weather is starting to improve hear (finally!). I intend to start running again, too.
  13. It's fantastic to finally quit. The apprehension is 100 times worse than actually doing it. I am glad I finally picked a date and quit. Thanks for all the wonderful support!
  14. Way to go Juan! As long as you never take another puff, I will never be able to catch your quit. So, please never allow me to catch you. Fantastic job!
  15. Hi, and welcome! You're a veteran quitter compared to me. However, it's only time. It shall pass.
  16. Sorry about the name E.B. I might have to come up with something else.
  17. Today is the day!!! Let's strap ourselved into this rollercoaster and ride it all the way to the end.
  18. Well, today is finally the tomorrow of yesterday. I am cigarette free. I am waiting for the 72 hour mark to be able to say I am nicotine free. Things are going quite well. I've had a couple of passing thoughts, but reasoned through them and shut them up. Thanks for all the wonderful support! We're all in the same boat. The only difference, most people have more time than me, but I'll get there. I hope to never catch anybody ahead of me, but I know that some time soon, somebody will come along and stop after me. Then, I will make darn certain they will never catch me.
  19. Hi Juan! Glad you made it through. I only have one suggestion for you .... when you see those people on campus smoking.... just remember, they want to be like you and not smoking!!!!!!!
  20. Things are going quite well. Smoking is not an option anymore, so I am just getting on with life. The only thing left to do is LIVE!!!!!
  21. None for me today!!!! NOPE!
  22. Fantastic job Amy!
  23. Last night a 8:30 PM, I put out my last cigarette. I am now a non smoker. I can never know what a never smoker is, but I can know what a nonsmoker is.
  24. Tomorrow is the day! Amy, I swear I will drag you with me. I have committed to the same day. I've said it out loud, and everyone here has proof in my words. There is no way I am going to fail. WE will do this! WE will quit! WE will N.O.P.E!!!!!!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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