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Everything posted by Amy

  1. Hi IamDoingit, Congratulations on 1 week! How are you feeling?
  2. Hi Soozie, Missed this post .. yes today is my quit day. Yours as well? I am reading Alan Carrs book. I have to do something and it is only reading. Have you read the book THEEASYWAY?
  3. Happy Birthday Gavin! :)
  4. Hi Evelyn, I am reading Alan Carr The Easy Way- Have you read it? I am on page 12 so there is no profound easy way yet but I am going to finish the book. Lots of people here on the board say it is a great help. I have struggled and you have struggled. We are not quitting our quit. The book may be helpful.
  5. I just downloaded Alan Carr's book and I am going to begin reading it. Thanks for all of the support! I will not quit quitting.
  6. I feel like an idiot.. all crying and struggling over a pack of cigarettes? Really?? To be honest smoking did not make me feel any better than I was before. Now I know what I am not missing. My chest hurts a little and I disappointed myself. I am sitting her second my head in disbelief. I am going to read Alan Carr today in my slow times at work. I am going to learn the easy way to quit. And even if it turns out not to be so easy I am still quitting. Thanks everyone for all of your support. :)
  7. That sure does make me feel better a practice quit. This time I am in the game.
  8. I think there is a misunderstanding- it is Gavin's Birthday today and my quit day. But thanks for the Happy Birthday wishes :)
  9. I am going to bed. Tomorrow will be a better day.

    1. babs609


      you can do it amy! :)

    2. REZ


      Hope you wake up as a non smoker!

  10. I fell off big time- I feel broken. I was able to talk to LB and Colleen in chat and this helped. I still am so disappointed in myself. I asked you when you fell off where was your SOS.. I did not even bother although I could have. I am not leaving. I signed up for a new quit day tomorrow. Only thing is I cannot keep on doing this. This has to be my final destination. I am tired and this so far has not been easy- it is like I am running to catch the train as fast as I can before I miss it. I am going to read Alan Carrs book my quit day is tomorrow. I am going to be joining you on the train and I hope to find you well.
  11. Hi Leah, Yes you are right I did not try. I will not let this happen again. Thanks!
  12. Hi Julie, For some reason when I press the quote button it does not work..anyway you have already helped me tremendously with all of your posts and blog. I feel like you are this strong person that I want to be. Keep on posting and I will keep on reading. I am not quitting my quit.
  13. Thanks LB I am not quitting no matter how tough it seems I am going to do this.
  14. Thanks Ladybug..I am going to be there behind you on the freaking stairway
  15. Thanks Ava I have not read it- I should go after work tomorrow to the bookstore and buy it. I will do this.
  16. I am back,, Aine asked why do I want to quit.. I think this is my problem I don't want to quit- I like to smoke. I want to be healthy, I don't want to have to live on oxygen, I don't want to die of lung cancer this is why I have to quit I have no choice
  17. Can't do this right now will be crying my eyes out do not want to be a blubbering idiot in front of the other half,,, I am not leaving. He will be going to bed in half hour I will sign back on.
  18. Today I had 3 chances to buy cigarettes - the 3rd chance I chose to buy a pack, I smoked 5 cigarettes already and really do feel like crap for breaking my VOW and my pledge. I honestly feel like crying but I am not alone so I will not. Needless to say I will be starting over from scratch. Smoking just feels like normal- I have no excuses. I know I did not post an SOS I am not sure it would of helped my mind was set- it was set all day. I am going to continue to pursue my quest to quit smoking I have to- I do not want to be a loser and I know if I continue to smoke I will consider myself a loser. Tomorrow or the next day I will be resetting my ticker and starting over. I am not going any where. I need to be here I am addicted to smoking and I cannot quit by myself. I am really sorry...did not want to disappoint everyone.
  19. Amy

    Earth Day today

    Happy Earth Day everyone! :rolleyes:
  20. Not feeling so much in control just winging it doing my NOPE pledge everyday and crossing my fingers. Quitting Smoking sucks right now and I know it will get better just waiting for that day.
  21. Amy


    It I there I would you offer you a twizzler and some chocolate- you know in your heart that you don't want to smoke and it is not always easy saying no just remember you are not smoking for you- nobody else. You can get through this.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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