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Everything posted by Amy

  1. I signed up as a member of the quit Train on April 7th and was so excited just like that I picked a quit date of April 9th. I did it- I quit smoking. for 13 days.The first week I was in a state of euphoria. The second week not so much I started missing my wicked little friend. I was determined to not buy cigarettes for if I did then I knew that would be the end of it. I have heard that the quitting process can be quite easy and I am reading a book by Alan Carrs the Easy Way. I have to say it did not seem very easy to me. Everyday is a fight to not smoke. This is a fight for my life. I have to win. I have to make this Easy. There were a lot of things that I liked about not smoking. My clothes do not smell, the house does not smell,I can smell things better, my chest stopped hurting, my cough was almost gone. My other half was very proud. Saving money is really awesome. Along with the good stuff it is actually very hard to not think about smoking all day long. Maybe this is the key. I have to figure out how to turn by brain off when it comes to smoking. Just pretend that I have always been a non smoker question my urges to smoke. For some unknown reason after 13 days I had enough. It was a constant feeling of struggling to do what I know is right. Not to smoke. I bummed a cigarette from the neighbor. I actually had 1 cigarette a night for 3 nights when I caved and bought a pack of cigarettes . Anyway before I purchased the pack of cigarettes I picked another quit day April 23rd. I did not quit. So here I am. I have smoked 5 1/2 packs of cigarettes in 4 and half days. My chest hurts, I can hear my wheezing again, and I have my daytime smokers cough back. I signed on to the board today to make my announcement that I did not quit. That was my only plan. I was not going to do this again. With the help and support of everyone here tomorrow I will not smoke. Tomorrow will be the first day of the rest of my life.
  2. Happy Belated Birthday! I hope you had a great day :)
  3. Amy

    Emotional overload

    Hi Marti, Very happy you made it through- so sorry I was not there for you.
  4. Amy


    Colleen, Not liking the post because you have COPD but because you shared. This is one of my major concerns and the main reason I need to quit. I hope you feel better.
  5. Hi Colleen, Jonny 5 asked me what am I afraid of. At this point I am afraid I will fail again. I can start over in the morning with no cigarettes. I think I have to just keep on trying. Eventually it has to sink in. I am not advertising a quit day until it actually sticks.
  6. Nothing but good if I don't smoke-not sure what I am afraid of.
  7. Thank You everyone I am coming back. I was doing great- if I can do it once I can do it again. Just kind of feel like a yo yo.
  8. I have not signed on because I have been smoking again. I am not finished with Alan Carrs book and really did not get to read any of it over the weekend. I still want to quit and I will finish the book and I am hoping it will be easier. I don't understand why it seems to be so hard not to smoke. I hope everyone is well.
  9. I am eating my lollipop now..chocolate tootsie roll pop
  10. This would be me- I will keep on getting up no matter what! Thanks LB :)
  11. I had mentioned this in one of my blogs- The good brain and the bad brain. One part wants to smoke and the other part is a non smoker. I wonder when they merge and become one and stop arguing?
  12. Congratulations Sarah!
  13. Hi Nancy- Yes I have to for me. Today is day #1. I want to read the book because maybe there is an EasyWay.. I am not very strong when it comes to not smoking but I am happy when I am not smoking. So I am not quitting my quit just starting again.
  14. Hi Sarah, I am not sure I have nay really good advice at this moment- but Colleen posted this to me yesterday. And I am spreading the word it is Alan Carrs book EASYWAY I just wanted to share it.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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