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Everything posted by Amy

  1. No tail between your legs. You are here with your head up high. Quitting - it is a journey and sometimes not a very easy one. You have chosen to come back and quit smoking. I am so happy you are on board. :) I need to follow my own advice it is so true Source: IAmDoing It I miss you
  2. I like this.. although I don't think I am rewarding myself I am killing myself
  3. I think maybe if I pick a date further away- like maybe the end of next month I can work up the strength to try again. Maybe even try to cut down a lot before the date
  4. Happy Birthday Beacon! :)
  5. Hi, Past few days at work have been crazy- I haven't had a minute to sign on. Today is a slow day. I am here. Reading.. waiting not sure why I am waiting. Still have bad smokers cough in the morning it really sucks Smoke like a freaking chimney I disappoint myself.
  6. okay- 2nd day back to the Quit Train- not on board yet but definitely on the bench of the platform. All I have to do is get off my butt stand up and open the door. I am contemplating am I brave enough to pick a new date?
  7. Okay- I had to check in to see how everyone was.. contemplating if I should try again to quit. It is nice to see everyone doing so well! Thanks to I am doing it - I had to sign on. Thanks everyone for caring! :)
  8. Well I just wanted to browse and see how everyone is doing. It looks like the quit train is doing well. There are lots of new members. I gave up my quit in April and I have not tried to quit again. Being here though - reading all the posts makes me wonder if I should try again. I am not afraid to try to quit again I think the stressful part is I am setting myself up for failure because I don't believe I am going to do it. I am lying to myself and I don't want to tell anybody I am quitting because I have been there and done that and when people see me smoking they are like I though you quit? I just let everybody down including myself. Can I do this? Do I have the courage and the strength? Determination? I don't know.
  9. Hi Jeanne, So happy for you and your decision to quit! :)
  10. Hi Marti, Miss You! Congratulations!! Social busy..summer everyone makes plans wedding, graduation party, barbacues.. It's all fun but tiring as well. This weekend will be my first weekend for me to stay home without company since June 21. I am so happy to have a little time to myself. I hope all is well :)
  11. Hi El Bandito, Summer is crazy busy! Still smoking though don't want to say I am going to quit again I feel like I am lying to myself and everybody else... How are you?
  12. Hi Jeanne, I am so happy you joined and all of your advise is wonderful. Welcome aboard :) I have not quit although I know I have to. Congratulations on your quit! I don't know when I will find my quit- I will be here though when I am ready.
  13. El Bandito I can absolutely talk about it doing it is what seems to be an issue. Sometimes I wonder if it is already too late maybe I already have lung cancer, COPD or some other smoking disease... My head is a block of wood when it comes to smoking. Every morning I wake up with the stupid smokers cough and say to myself I can't do this anymore and still continue to smoke. I know the Sarge would say stop being a puss.... and just do it. Stop talking about it and just do it.. stop whining and just do it...Easy Peasy right? Maybe I have to just do it. My issue is I can't even make it through one day is half a day better than nothing?
  14. Hi Everyone! Miss you all. Here I am another Month has gone by and I have not quit. I know that I cannot give up on my goal I just have to figure out how to back to being determined. I am tired of quitting and smoking the cycle is relentless. I hope you all are well and keeping the great quits that you have going on. :)
  15. Hi Evelyn, You can make it through.. whatever you do - DO NOT RUIN YOUR QUIT TRUST ME- it is 20 times harder to get the mind set right to quit again. Talk to your friend on the phone- take a shower- drink water... You are awesome with your quit and I am happy for you.
  16. Thanks Trish - The same for you :)
  17. I am here- Thanks for all of the support. Today is day 1 :)
  18. I am sitting here thinking crap... not doing good with not smoking and I have been chatting with Tiffany and did pick a new day which is tomorrow. I am not sure I am ready.
  19. Happy moving and HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :)

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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