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Everything posted by Amy

  1. did I put this in the wrong spot.....not sure
  2. Okay today is my second day - work was fine. After work I had to go get my gray hair colored :) I am still too young to have gray hair. Anyway the salon is right by the liquor store tempted for 2 seconds no big deal. So I get home and the neighbor is here.. I can smell the smoke as I walk in the house. I can't believe that I did not smoke. How am I doing this? After all of this time any other time I have tried to quit the neighbor has always been there for me to bum. I did not ask. I am a non smoker today.
  3. THANKS! I made it through day 2- cravings here and there but it doesn't seem that difficult to just say no..
  4. I wanna play homemade popcorn :) Alaska or Mexico
  5. I liked and shared- hope people actually pay attention
  6. Evelyn, If I can do it you can do it.- little late for your SOS.. I am finding keeping busy is working for me. Soon I will learn to relax and sit down for now though busy busy busy..
  7. Amy

    2nd day

    I am so happy today I feel on top of the world. I am wondering how many weeks until my cough goes away and I get some energy back. Time will tell. Last night was different- I did not sit on the couch and watch the news or a movie and smoke 10 cigarettes. Two pieces of gum last night 1 around 6 pm and 1 around 9pm so yesterday I had a total of 4 pieces of Nicorette. So I am not nicotine free but I am not filling my lungs with poison. I went to be really early 9:30 which is okay. I feel rested. Believe it or not this NOPE idea is what helps me the most. Not One Puff Ever - I will live by this. I don't have a routine yet for eating breakfast so maybe in time that will happen- in the meantime I will have Raman noodles again at work for breakfast and drink lots of water. I have to get some work done but I am staying signed on all day. Day 2 is here. :) The end of the work day is almost here for day 2- a few errands to do after work. I think tonight will be be an easy night. Tomorrow is Day 3 WOW Honestly I wasn't even planning day 1 until I joined. My whole nighttime routine is out the door. After work today I had a hair appointment so by the time I got home it was around 7:30 PM My Plans were to put in 1 load of laundry and heat up leftovers for dinner since my hubby already had left over pizza for dinner. It is 9:50 PM and I ma having a bowl of cereal for dinner which is fine- I like cereal. Needless to say I spent the whole evening on this web site have I traded one addiction for another??? I am going to finish my cereal turn the computer off and go to bed. Sweet Dreams
  8. I am feeling confident- The neighbor pulled in last night around nine and I really had a craving - had enough will power to say NOPE did not text him to bum.. so I know I can do this :)
  9. 1 day down and the rest of my life to go I got this
  10. Hi Fay and Action Doing good my mind is off the fact that I am not smoking keeping busy.. Thanks for asking!!
  11. 4:50 AM I was sound asleep but Good Morning too you a little late- happy and anxious is the way I will describe the end of my first day
  12. I am still wary very happy that I quit today this is one day I need to keep on doing it
  13. Sorry for your loss Johnny hard way to quit smoking. My Aunt passed July 4 2012 that was her quit day lung cancer- The hurt eventually does get less with time but you never forget or stop loving.
  14. okay sorry I am back again but today I quit smoking
  15. Yes I am Thank Goodness- sit at desk all day I think now I will have to go for a short walk everyday since I am not walking up and down the stairs every hour to smoke
  16. The work day is over in 10 minutes and no SOS for me really me?? I did it. Of course I stayed on this site all day and read lots. I owe my life to all of you. Thank You So much :) Tomorrow is day number whoo hoo
  17. Day 3 is awesome- I can't wait to get there. Congratulations!
  18. I have the gum just needed to take the edge off so if this helps to not smoke good job making the choice
  19. So I am leaving to pick up lunch which means I am going to the store- I will not buy cigarettes
  20. Ticker was going the wrong direction will try again later have to get some work done No cigarette today. Lots of craving though will get through.
  21. Work is a little slow and I am commenting away- need to keep my focus. Breathe deep in and out and drink lots of water going to get some right now :)
  22. I guess your in an earlier time zone- anyway I guess managing- not going cold turkey though just popped some Nicorette gum which is way better than smoking
  23. 2 pieces of Nicorette sorry can't do cold turkey- made it through my normal smoke time though without the gum

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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