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Everything posted by Amy

  1. Hi Jimmy, I am Amy new here 1 week nice to meet you.
  2. Never mind really dumb question.. Dottie Enjoy your new addition
  3. Welcome new kitty- what is her name?
  4. Congratulations Andrew - Happy for you 8 months is awesome!
  5. Happy Monday Morning to everyone! I know this is only my 6th day- but I am still on top of the world. I can feel that my breathing is a little bit easier and my morning smokers cough doesn't last as long as it was. My other half just told me he can tell I sleep better at night not as much snoring(LOL) he said my lungs must be opening up. I already am less fatigued. Must be the extra oxygen I am getting. This is all I need. I am not going back no matter what. NOPE for the second time today. I know have already said this and probably sound like a broken record but this time around is easy. I have seen on the board Easy Peasy... it is the truth. I hope everyone is well.
  6. Congratulations on your quit day April!
  7. Holy cow I am still counting the days and today is day 6 NOPE for me
  8. El Bandito, I am so happy you didn't smoke- this tough time will pass- you have this.
  9. Amazing weekend- no issues. Maybe 4 pieces of Nicorette for each day not bad. I can't believe it is Sunday night already and I haven't smoked in 5 days. There is the occasional thought but it disappears as quick as it comes. I am happy. Very short 5th day entry sorry I still have to put dinner away and clean up before bed.
  10. I am not sure how to answer the question What made you decide to quit. I have always wanted to quit I have always known that smoking is not good for you. I have always known that my second hand smoke was not good for other people. I have tried to quit many times without success. I have always known that I should quit. This time there was really no choice I did not have to decide to quit .. I had to quit for me. Okay I am going to say I did not make this choice until I joined the quit train. I would not have done it otherwise. :)
  11. HI Soozie= better late than never Sweet Dreams!
  12. Okay- I am a new non smoker. I am 48 years old started at 13 I was up to 1 pack and a half or more per day. Bad Smokers cough and pressure on my chest. I had no plans to quit but I came upon the board and picked a date. 5 days I am amazed. I new I had to quit but the frame of mind just wasn't there. All of the literature and all of the positive support has been a great. For the board you must know I would not have done this otherwise. :)
  13. I have found it to be easy this time but it wasn't always I think support is very important- I wasn't planning on quitting at all until I came across this board. With the board I have to say it is easy
  14. Way to go 7 days as a non smoker :) Congrats! :)
  15. Good Sunday Morning- I do my NOPE pledge everyday- didn't need to be online all day was very busy with chores even got to give the dog a bath. Anyway I have to say this is easier than I ever thought it could be- I am sure that everyone knows the saying don't make a mountain out of a molehill...Well in the past I think that is what I did in my prior attempts to quit. It is really not that hard it is a clear choice that I do not smoke. TODAY IS DAY 5 FOR ME I am very happy- yesterday only 4 pieces of gum throughout the day. Thank you everyone for checking all is well. I hope you all are doing great as well. :)
  16. No smoking for me on this beautiful spring day. I pledge NOPE
  17. I am here as well amazing day 4 I will not some ever NOPE
  18. Hi Sharon, Awesome 10 months I can't wait to get there congratulations!
  19. Congratulations Fay 11 months is fantastic!
  20. Hi Marti, My Aunt Shirley is from England- she hasn't lived there in a long time but she still has the accent. We will be having Easter dinner at her house this year.
  21. Hi Jackie, I am so happy you stayed on board. :)

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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