I am wondering if I still need to count the days- I have to say I am doing this well. I am wondering if I should post my SOS for myself. At this point I am thinking there will be no SOS but one day there might be..
If I were going to smoke it would have been yesterday. Planning dinner with neighbor coming over and planned on pork loin on the smoker outside. I had to go to the store for the pork loin so I pick the closest store (Stop N Shop) they have only very small pork loins. I discovered this after all of my
other shopping was in the cart. So now I have to go to another store a little bit farther away (Shoprite)
to get my pork loin. Boy was I aggravated. The thought was in my head I want a cigarette- but
then there was the next though I don't smoke. It was as easy as that.
I am loving this. It is not always comfortable. Thoughts do pop into my head I could use a cigarette.
Then I breath in deep and discover I can actually breathe way better - still a little wheeze in time I am hoping this will heal. I have to hope my body heals because I poisoned it. At the age of 58 my risk
of lung cancer will be that of a non smoker. This is something to look forward to in the healing process. I don't really exercise but it seems that I am constantly busy with house work and outside maintenance. Maybe I will try to take up walking to further my lung capacity.
My second pledge for today NOPE Not One Puff EVER.