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Everything posted by Amy

  1. Doing better this morning. Not sure what happened last night. There was a mention of fixation and that seemed to fit. If I did not have the forum my quit would have been blown. I cannot do this alone. How are you doing today?
  2. Amy

    Mini SOS...

    Hi Trish, Ditto for me- sorry about your day I can understand the house issue we also have a small house it is hard when company comes trying to figure out where to put them all. One year visitors in August- we pitched a huge tent otherwise there would be no where for everyone to sleep. I am so happy you did not smoke.
  3. There were a few on board today that had pretty bad news and bad day today. I hope tomorrow is better for you.

    1. Ladybug


      and I hope you will have a great day and Smokey will be quiet :-)

    2. Nancy


      you are so kind...

    3. action


      That is so sweet :)

  4. Some make noise some don't I had a male choc lab lived to 15 he did fart out loud. Now I have a girl black lab 7 years she does both go figure. What a funny question.
  5. Congratulations Jackie! Awesome
  6. Amy

    my day

    Hi Rachael, Sorry about your day sounds absolutely- hopefully all will work out with doctor and lawyer since you found out it is a billing error
  7. Hi Tracey, Abstaining or quitting is a really good question... I am a quitter I cannot only abstain I can never smoke again. I will graduate to training wheels but I have to make sure that I am ready. I don't want to fall. Honestly- this is helping. Thanks! :)
  8. Thanks Beacon I am going to listen to this when I am finished with everything that I have to do and can relax started to sounds awesome
  9. He is very cute- chubby legs baby fat that's all
  10. Don't get me wrong this is not an SOS. Night 8. I left work at 5 pm- wanting a cigarette. It is 6:30 an hour and a half later and the freaking crave is still there. I did not buy cigarettes and I will not ask the neighbor. I just don't understand why it is an hour and a half and I am still thinking about it. I will not smoke. I am a non smoker. I just wish this would go away. I am keeping busy as always. The hot tub is maintained, the laundry is in, I just have to clean up the dishes. I was wondering when this would happen and here it is. Thinking about it and I am pretty tired today maybe this has something to do with it. Actually sitting here typing and breathing seems to be helping. I am happy to be here on the quit train I wouldn't of quit otherwise.
  11. When I first read this I was so emotional I almost cried.. Thanks Julie!
  12. I am happy you are back Juan- you only lose if you give up trying. Welcome Aboard! :)
  13. Very sorry poor puppy :(
  14. Hi Lynn, I am Amy- new nice to meet you Congratulations!
  15. Begin Where you are makes a lot of sense Thanks!
  16. Hi Evelyn, Welcome back. So happy you have decided to be a non smoker!
  17. No tail between your legs. You are here with your head up high. Quitting - it is a journey and sometimes not a very easy one. You have chosen to come back and quit smoking. I am so happy you are on board. :)
  18. Hi Sarah, Congratulations Welcome to the quit train!
  19. I was thinking the same thing- money actually stays in my wallet the other day I looked there was $50.00 few days later still $50.00 until yesterday I spent it- not on cigarettes though.
  20. Okay what are you thinking?- don't do it. You know one puff will lead to 3 times the amount of your prior smoking and you will die young. Breathe in deep keep doing this in 2 minutes you will realize what you almost did. Not One Puff Ever means exactly that. Care for yourself and others around you. Just get over it and move forward. This will pass. You are a non smoker. Believe in your self - this is easy you don't smoke. Just don't - it is that easy it is your choice an you are not a chimney You don't smoke
  21. Classified I am going to be very selfish here : Wanted : A bag of fifties. The can be new or used. LOL
  22. Now I am hungry they sound delicious.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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