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Everything posted by Soberjulie

  1. Heh heh. How does Aine deal with the incredible gift that you are? ;) LOL
  2. You get my thoughts. (Heeeheee. "Penny for your thoughts) I insert a Japanese maple tree
  3. You get a new handbag. :) I insert a pair of scissors
  4. You get a vasectomy :p I insert a day timer from 1987
  5. You get a piña colada. I insert a dog leash
  6. Jan 24!!! That's my date. :D So I guess it's 2 months and 9 days today.
  7. Good lord. I'm lmao. That's what I get for not being a day counter.....I don't even think my quit date is the 14. Maybe that's when I started Champix?? Now I gotta read through my quit diary to find out when I quit. You quit on a Tuesday and I quit on that Friday...3 days later. I think. I've lost many brain cells.
  8. Aine! So good to see you :D
  9. Hi Tommy. Welcome :)
  10. Comrade just asked me how I got ahead of him in my quit. It seems I do not have 2monrhs 19 days. Stupid smoke free calculator. It lied. I've been smoke free since Jan 14. So however long that's been :D
  11. I'm so happy you are here Rachel :)!
  12. Hi Betsy. So glad you are here :)
  13. Oh it's DD!! Yay!! So happy you are here :)
  14. Yay Jackie!! Happy to see you :)
  15. Hiya hockeymom!! Glad you are here :)
  16. I'm feeling grateful to be here....to have been invited. 2 months and 19 days ago I became smoke free.....and my legs are still too wobbly to be walking around by my non-smoking self. So to all you lovely folks who have contributed to my smoke free new life, thank you. To all of you who have encouraged me in my toothbrush dipping adventures without judgement, I love you. To those who have judged, I understand. Dipping toothbrushes in toilets is gross. ;) To all of those who have offered encouragement, kind words, harsh words and most of all, truth: without you I would likely still be smoking. So for helping me save my life, I owe you. And I will do my best to pass on to others what you have given to me.
  17. Joe!! My friend!! So happy to see you here!!
  18. Hi sweet Petra. So glad you arrived :)
  19. So glad you are here Armed :)
  20. I pm'd Aine over there I figured that's how Comrade arrived. Yoohooo......Aine......where are you?
  21. Hi Juan! Welcome aboard Amigo. You are among friends who can walk beside you in your journey. :)
  22. Woot woot, my Comrade quit buddy is here :) Where is Aine?
  23. So happy you are here my friend :)

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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