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Everything posted by Dors67

  1. Boy cravings early on in your quit suck.....but they are TEMPORARY.... Maybe go for a short walk...that always helped me
  2. Eat something sweet...and have a nice drink of water Also just remember...If you smoke one cigarette, then you will more than likely smoke another and then another.... Fight Natalie....Fight for your freedom from this addiction....
  3. "Meh Moments" become less and less....then the "AhAh Moments" take over. :) :) :)
  4. Congratulations Gabby on your three months of freedom,. You are doing so well. Keep it going !!!!! Dors :)
  5. Ralph is a Cute Badass ... and has a dangler
  6. +10
  7. Thank you Uncle Ross....WOOF WOOF :)
  8. No worries there SanDar....believe me!!!!! lol :) Ralph says Woof (Thank you)
  9. Happy Birthday to my dog Ralph....He turned 9 today.....This was posted on facebook today.... My baby :)
  10. Yay Jackie....you can do this.... Dors :)
  11. That's the way Gabby....be happy for YOU.... You are making this happen. You are beating this addiction You should be proud of it You are getting stronger every day You are a non-smoker Who made it happen................YOU did KTQ Dors
  12. NOPE
  13. Happy Birthday Marti.... Enjoy the 30's while you can !!!!!!! Have a drink for me mate Dors... and Ralph says Woof :sun_bespectacled:
  14. Congratulations on 11 months of freedom mate... ^^^^ This is who I am congratulating.....Right????^^^^ hehehehehe....Well done .... nearly on that lido deck.... Dors :)
  15. If you read this Backwards Rachael...hi and happy birthday...you were always one of my favourite people on the boards and I miss reading your posts... Hope you are well and life is being kind for you mate... Dors
  16. I will join you my pommy mate NOPE
  17. Congratulations on your 1 year anniversay...thank you for showing the way to a wonderful smoke free life... Dors :) :)
  18. Thank you so much...It means alot to me :) Dors
  19. Beacon, I am so excited for you...counting down for you with Ralph Woof. Woof. Woof Dors
  20. So sorry for my lateness for your one year anniversary gemzee...so happy for you...really wonderful and may you continue on in life smoke free forever.... CONGRATULATIONS Dors And a big woof and kiss from Ralph too
  21. Dors67

    Avatar Report

    Tracey you just look so happy always :)
  22. Big Congratulations on your 7 month anniversay...Well Done Mate !!!! Dors :) Woof from Ralph too :biggrin:
  23. NOPE from me
  24. This is very exciting .... I am excited for you Gemzee .... and so is Ralph... Woof Woof Woof Woof Woof....

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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