This addiction is not an easy one to give up for some....and you saying sorry is nice for us but you need to stop the cycle of this addiction...and NOPE is the first place to start.
Try to really understand what NOPE means not just the words....but as a smoker....
but you pledge this every day...just for that matter how crappy your day is you have made yourself a promise that no matter WHAT happens today ... you will NOT smoke ... for today. Then you do the same thing the next day....and if you stick to this promise will find that each day will become a little easier....
Oh...granted some days are much worse than others...but on those really crappy shitty something, other than smoking, to reward yourself for becoming a non-smoker and to reinforce your promise to yourself that you have promised to not smoke...for today. something that is your absolute favourite food, watch a movie/sitcom you love over and over, read a book you like...whatever it is just always remember there is more to life and all it's stresses than just smoking...All you are doing by smoking is slowly dying....and that is just not gonna be much fun at all...Enjoy something else that makes you many things to choose from when you stop and think about it...
Wishing you nothing but happiness Nat...
Dors :)