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Everything posted by Dors67

  1. Quit train
  2. The weather here has been crap...really wet and humid...blah....my hair is so frizzy right now, I feel like DianaRoss!!!
  3. Oh Juan, Day 3 is a glorious day in your quit. Today your body will be nicotine free. Don't look back now....move forward. You are a non-smoker....say it often to yourself and BELIEVE...... Dors :)
  4. TPAM is good at maths!
  5. I used to get embarrassed when I bought cigs. I mean how stupid spending $24.00 on one packet of cancer sticks. HOW STUPID! Thank heavens I don't have to feel that way any more. :)
  6. TPAM likes to watch TV
  7. The mould was broken when you were made Robf......my unique and kinda weird friend. :)
  8. Life and the universe (Oops ... Sorry just read rules ....used 4 words .... SORRY )
  9. Don't look back only forward, forget the past and embrace your wonderful new lives smoke free, healthier and the best one RICHER. We will all be here for you in your times of need, so NEVER feel like you are alone. Xox :)
  10. Big Congratulations to EVERYONE celebrating anniversaries with their quits.....YOU ALL ROCK!!! Sorry for being lazy My dog Ralph says well done too
  11. I have eaten way too many M'M's...me bad. (Sorry :wacko: ). But I blame my taste buds for springing to life since quitting for this :D I love grapes and also almonds as a healthier snack.
  12. Thank you to all my wonderful quit buddies...glad to be on this journey with you all :) Dors
  13. Should I stay or should I go? Is it up or is it down? Is it black or is it white? Is right or is it wrong? That is how it has been for the past few days....my thoughts are all over the place, but one thing that I realised was................... I MISSED YOU BLOODY PEOPLE SO MUCH !!!!! Dors67 xox

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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