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Everything posted by Jen

  1. And there comes a day when you say enough is enough.. Smoke free one more day

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tink
    3. Still winning

      Still winning

      Absolutely!! That bootstrap day is wonderful and terrifying!! One day at a time, no over thinking. With you all the way. x


    4. Nicole Diver

      Nicole Diver

      Well done. And hello and welcome, glad to have you here.

  2. Repeating exactly that has gotten me through!! I keep looking at everyones tickers. 1 yr, 10 months, etc I can't even imagine getting that far! I'm soon to be on day 3 and I spend my whole day repeating I can't I won't I refuse I'm not a smoker. I can't even think about tomorrow cause I am just hanging on to today! But we can do this!! I think everyone is going to be seeing a whole lotta me for a while LOL
  3. My senses are finally kicking in too. I took my step daughter to an appt today and the middle doorway smelled like smoke and I fanned it away like it stunk and I'd never smelled something so vulgar then laughed at myself once I realized :) We are living in an upstairs apartment and I don't feel winded going up and down for the past couple days. Its been absolutely wonderful! Every time I walk up or down them I think to myself like we have lived here for a year. This could have been such an easy year if I hadn't been smoking. What on earth would possess someone to make life more difficult? Then miss it when you give it up? *ding ding ding* lol Doreen 52 years???
  4. Jen


    Sorry Oneistoo I just reread your comment. My mind has been everywhere past couple days. I will try to cut some off tomorrow and see if that helps a little. If this is how its going to be every time I change a patch I'd almost rather take a couple of days to withdraw and screw the patch
  5. Jen


    I was smoking about a pack n half a day. I got the 21mg patch the highest step I think. I didn't know I could cut them. Do you think it'd hurt to cut part off?? Maybe it is too much I've never used patches before. The first 2 days didn't seem to bother me. Its the past 2 days that every time I switch it I feel awful
  6. Jen


    I am feeling much better! The drive to drop my son off and rolling my window down on the drive back. Plus getting some water really helped. The cry helped. Just posting since I couldn't scream helped drastically. I needed to get the frustration out and this was the only way I could come up with on short notice. I really dislike that feeling. It happened the same way yesterday at the same time. When I changed my patch and put the new one on. I wonder if they effect anyone else like that?? It almost feels like it'd be better to not have the patches on! At least I'd withdraw and not have to go through that every day... I don't know. We'll see what tomorrow brings. Either way I stuck to my guns and I'm still smoke free. Thank you Tracey for checking on me :)
  7. Jen


    Just for reference to read later. It's the patches! I got that feeling again. I'm out of commission for at least 15 20 min. Chest is tight. I took old patch off put new on feel like I'm coming unglued! I'm shaking need water lots of water so thirsty! Carmex my lips went instantly dry just like my v mouth. Feels like they are cracking open. Why does it have to be so hard! I want to stab someone with a fork... dropping my son at school and getting in a good cry. Hope I last that long. Stopping to get water on way home. Breathe I can do this I'm not a smoker I'm not a smoker. Fresh air. Nope not today!!!!
  8. Sorry I don't have any info. Didn't want to read and run. Thankful to see you today :) Hope things begin happening soon
  9. Hi :) dropping in to say hello!! I tried to read up on previous comments. I didn't get them all but I got most! Sorry I don't have any advice to give you I'm only on day two lol But I'm here and I'm also a coffee fiend and was a big drinker. I slowed my drinking a lot after my son. I was down to a few beers a night but often. Nearly daily. Last month I decided I wanted to quit smoking so I'd have to give up drinking first even if it was only a few at a time. I think I've had maybe 6 beers in the last month? It wasn't really that difficult amazingly... Now coffee we say.. lol Is almost as big an addiction as smoking for me! I have been smoke free for this will be day two and I just polished off half a pot. :) I took my coffee elsewhere. Like you my morning routine consisted of coffee, smoke, internet. Yes, in that order. So I took my coffee to the couch. I still do internet and coffee but on kindle or my phone until I finish my joe. Then I move my way to my regular desktop with a cold glass of milk and daily vitamins. For some reason that 'spot' is a huge temptation when a coffee mug is added to the equation. I hope your having a wonderful morning and looking forward to reading more posts from you!
  10. Today is day two without any slips. I had this realization... My quit date was 1-7-15 I did great, things seemed easy going and I had a boat load of confidence this is going to work and I'm going to do this! 1-8-15 Still not too bad still feeling confident. By closer to evening I caught a glimpse of hubby's cigs sitting on the table. I didn't think at all. I picked it up I took one. I lit it in the kitchen, smoked it, put it out. Put the ash tray back in its hiding place, put the cigs in my hubby's coat. I started to think ugh wth? Like it was a reflex to see it, light it, smoke it! So I joined this website yesterday. I was having a complete meltdown! Still have NO idea what triggered it exactly. But I had lit a butt I found earlier when I was packing things for moving. About an hour or two later my chest got tight, I had a desire, no a need to hold a cigarette in my fingers! There were none here and I refused to go buy any. I did a google search and found this website. I put in an SOS and BAM multiple replies immediately! I had a good cry, I got some cold water, got awesome advice. I got through it and I had people holding my hand the whole way! I woke up this morning logged on my computer did the what everyone told me I need to do daily. Got on this website I put in my NOPE pledge for today and I feel terrific! Like this is really something that I can do. If I have any issues or I just feel like I'm going to slip. I slide in my chair and I let someone know. I was thinking earlier about day two of my original quit. That cigarette that I lit. I remember thinking AFTER I smoked it and put everything away. oops.... I'm not a smoker.. BUT... Going from 30 a day to 1 in 2 days is great!! I'm doing an awesome job. Besides I didn't go buy them. Hubby already had them. So this morning I was thinking how my mind was trying to trick me into thinking this was true! How dare my brain do such a thing!! So lets put this in perspective... 1 in 2 days that's great! a couple days later its 1 after an argument with hubby, 1 because I didn't think about it, 2 when I have to fight with the kids and their on my last nerve, oh and since I had such a hard day I'm going to have a few beers before bed so I'll smoke 5 with those, smoke 3 with my morning coffee cause I drank the night before and I need a pick me up to get my day started, 1 after lunch, a couple in between that and dinner I mean I did have some with my coffee right? 30 a day cause that 1 I smoked I didn't buy, it was already here... What a total crock of crap brain! Sit back, Shut up, Enjoy the ride to freedom!!
  11. Thanks everyone for the welcomes!! I've been browsing and reading so between that and my regular day it should help keep me busy I hope lol keep trying to knock them images of smoking out my brain and it just isn't working. I did read the 'romancing' post and wow did that person have it pegged! I know there were so many times when I was totally disgusted by smoking and for some reason those are just not the images that come to mind. Go figure :)
  12. Nope, not today
  13. vampire
  14. Jen

    Rhyming Words Game

    cruddy blob
  15. Jen

    Rhyming Words Game

    snag noodle
  16. Jen

    This or That game

    tacos snickers or reeses
  17. Jen

    The Last Letter Game

  18. dead
  19. yesterday, my mom, the best listener I've ever known. The one thing I could never live without..
  20. Ok I want a little ticker thing! A how do I get one? and B when do I start from? Today when I smoked that butt??
  21. Tracy I went straight away and did the SOS to myself Thank you! I tossed the ash trays out the door on my way to get laundry lol I know he tried to keep it hidden. But we are moving so I'm going to be having my hands in every little space. So that didn't really pan out for him or me. Another reason I don't get in his car. I cleaned everything out of mine before my quit date.
  22. Jen, You can do this and you will. Light that cigarette and kiss your new house for you, hubs and the kids BYE BYE! Oh and that new baby you want so much odds are that won't happen either. Kill them with smoke good plan! All the first suggestions you got get to doing them. Deep breaths, go bathroom cry, glass of water, you can do this! You can breathe today light that thing and you won't tomorrow...
  23. Thank you! I will be reading that post after I check laundry. Sounds like I have a lot of reading to do :)

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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