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Jen last won the day on January 14 2015

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About Jen

  • Birthday 05/12/1983

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  • Quit Date
    Jan 7, 2015

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  1. Nope! Not today not ever!
  2. Morning everyone, nope here
  3. Nope!
  4. Nope
  5. Nope!
  6. Hi Tony!! Glad you joined us! Sorry I don't have a lot of time under my belt yet but I'm thankful to have found this website. Everyone has given me the best advice and absolutely have your back during the worst part of the quit. One day at a time. You can do this!
  7. It's FriYAY!!

    1. Colleen


      Happy Friday!

    2. sharonsiff


      My favourite day of the week..the promise of two days with no alarm clock..love it!

    3. REZ


      That's a big TGIF from me too!

  8. Nope
  9. ZzZzZzZzZzZzz....

  10. Jen


    I ended up taking my patch off at like 1 my time just after I dropped my son off at school. It says on the pack not to smoke in the next couple hours cause there's still nicotine in your system so I figured I'd swing it and see how long it lasted before I broke down and put a new one on... I didn't. The evening seemed to go pretty good. I had a huge battle with the electric company over the phone this morning. The guy told me what I needed to pay to have our utilities turned on in our new place and of course the woman I talked to today wanted 150.00 more then he told me.. I freaked out on her and cussed her from here to Sunday.. Hung up on her. I was really just flustered we don't have that kind of money. The ONLY reason we're moving right now is the new guy that moved in downstairs keeps trying to start fights with my husband and has overrun the yard, driveway and everything else. We can't keep our kids bottled up in an upstairs apartment.. We are NOT the fighting kind and I won't have him jumping us in front of our kids. If that's how he wants to teach his kids fine. So I plan to throw a fit about this and wanting my deposit back we have served out our lease the only thing I can't do is professionally clean the carpets. If I could have moved in a timely fashion I could have... That's 375.00 enough to cover what we need to finish moving. We won't have heat or hot water in this new place for a week! Unless I can get our deposit back. That's after borrowing money.. Breathe.... BUT I'm actually doing very well despite other things going on.. I sat and debated on going to get a pack of smokes for like an hour after the call with utilities.. I thought I have to take my son and the boy I baby sit both to the gas station with me, its cold, there's snow and ice, I have to heat up car, really?? LOL then BAM I was like HA yeah right not happening. I'm super tired I guess not having the patch on messed up my being able to sleep. I am not even sure why I even bothered typing all of that! Ah heck I feel better so who cares.
  11. NOPE
  12. hmm and a caveman diet is???? Personally I'm on a see-food diet :D
  13. **raises hand and clears throat** you had me at bread..... and Lost me at ketchup and tomato lmao! I do love blt (minus the t) :)
  14. AHHH!!! You totally ruined it ALL! LOL ketchup :bad:
  15. I don't know about a picnic sandwich lol Rubens are delicious!!! When I was a kid I'd make some toast and cover one side with butter and the other side with peanut butter and smash it together. Once it all started to melt was the best time to eat it :D I still do it sometimes...my kids are not so thrilled about it lol Also a big fan of scrambling up some eggs and onions little mushroom and throwing it on some bread with cheese frying it up like a grilled cheese mmm I'm so hungry now.... haha

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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