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Everything posted by doingitthistime

  1. Day 4. Woke up with a headache and a bit of a sore throat, but apart from that felt good. Have planned a day out on Sunday to Chopwell woods with hubby and dogs. Feel a bit irritable but know that this is all part of the quit and will pass soon (hopefully). Going to have to start giving the car and house a good cleaning as I am starting to smell the stale smoke and it stinks. Still feeling good about my quit and still feeling strong hopefully this will continue.
  2. Hi All, still smoke free but very irritable today, woke up with a headache and a sore throat, but still didn't think about my first smoke of the day like I would normally. I am planning a visit to Chopwell Woods on Sunday with the hubby, he will be mountain biking and I will be walking the dogs. Looking forward to this as usual after a couple of hours I find that I'm getting tired. Hopefully will be able to go for longer and it will be good for me and the dogs. Starting to notice that things are smelling nice again, and that also some things don't (car need to have a good clean out it stinks!!) also think that I will freshen all my clothes in my wardrobe over the next few days as there is a lingering smell of smoke in mine but not in the hubbys (he never smoked). Well going to start tea and then relax.
  3. That what I thought was going on. Going to have a hot bath and an early night Thanks for the support and advice
  4. Myth: I can just have 1 Truth : what 1 smoke, or 1 packet, or 100 hundred!! Never even think about just 1 because you will be right back at the start.
  5. Day 3 Today started good woke up and never even thought about having a smoke, but then it started to go down hill. I haven't smoked for which I am very proud of myself, but I could have had one so easily. Everything went wrong today, but I kept strong and just kept telling myself that this is my quit and no way was I going to let it get ruined. Really on edge tonight but not sure if its because of my body getting used to me not smoking or if its just because of the day I've had. Hopefully tomorrow won't be as trying but even if it is I am not going to smoke!!!
  6. Day 3 Today started good woke up and never even thought about having a smoke, but then it started to go down hill. I haven't smoked for which I am very proud of myself, but I could have had one so easily. It was just one of those days when everything was going wrong. I took my sister-in-law to a hospital appointment 45 miles from where we live to be told that it had been cancelled and that the letter must have gone astray. Then got home to be told by my husband that our eldest son was needing picked up from work as he wasn't well and his boss didn't want him getting the train home. (his work is about 20 miles from us). So all in all not the best of days but like I said I didn't smoke but tonight my nerves are bouncing and I just want to scream. Going to have a nice cuppa then have a hot bath and go to bed. Hopefully tomorrow will be less annoying and trying as today really has pushed me to my limits. Not going to give in just need to remember that this is my quit and that I am going to do it.
  7. Yes this time I really want to quit, have got myself ready the best that I could over the last few weeks. Have done half hearted quits before but this time I really don't ever want to smoker again. I want to start living again and not keep wondering when and where I can have my next smoke. This is my life and I'm taking control of it.
  8. Well managed to get to day 2, feeling good and proud. Went to my local shops today and when I went to the checkout was asked if I wanted 10 of my usual (never realized how well the staff knew my routine), I told them no thank you I don't smoke anymore. I think that I left the shop with a massive grin on my face as I felt so good and proud of myself. Just finished my tea and normally I would have a smoke then do the dishes, tonight I did the dishes and made a cup of coffee and logged on to do this blog, going to make this my routine for this smoke as it is one of the ones that I know has been hard on my past quits. I know that it is early days but I am looking forward to the next smoke free day this time around, not dreading it like I was on my last quit. For myself I think that getting prepared and having plans in place for the rough times will make this quit happen.
  9. Hi still feeling good, just had my tea and have decided that instead of having a smoke after it I will have a cup of coffee and put an update on here of how my day has been. Cravings have not been to bad just did some deep breathing and it seems to be doing the job at the moment. Going to have a nice bath and just relax tonight. Got quite a bit of driving to do tomorrow and waiting around for family members that could be hard going for me as that is when I could have a smoke but going to go for a brisk walk while they are at their appointment. Take care Debby
  10. NOPE feeling good
  11. Hi all, well half way through day 2 and still feeling good. Went to my local shop this morning for some bits, went to pay at the counter and the assistant put my shopping through then looked at me and said "10 of your usual?". This shocked me at first because I never really thought about how often I brought my ciggys but I am very pleased to say that my reply was "No thank you I don't smoke anymore". I felt brilliant at that point as before I would have got a packet and said to myself. "well I won't have one but at least I have got some if I need them", like that every happens. Feeling proud and pleased
  12. Thanks everyone. I have really got myself ready this time. Done all the reading, worked out how I will cope with the really stressful times, and have decided that for me I think using an e-cig will be best. I have been using one for about a month alternating a normal ciggy for the e-cig and it helped me get down to 6 a day. (was on 20). Feeling good at the moment have not had a normal ciggy today and have been fine.
  13. Orange
  14. Not going to smoke today - NOPE
  15. Hi all, well I have decided to stop smoking as from this morning. Tried before but just wasn't ready, this time I've got myself prepared and I'm going to do it. Using an e-cig at the beginning but going to do it this time.

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