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Everything posted by Frezflops

  1. this is true but it also made me giggle idk why lol
  2. havent truly worked out all week (except walking everywhere) was on vaca....did a little bit of strength yesterday and rode my recumbent stationary bike today for an hour and did squats, lunge pulses, other strength exercises with weights feels awesome would have went for a run outside but it is raining and storming out so no go sigh....I have been avoiding running on the treadmill as of late because of the long winter (at least for a bit yet) plus I have learned that I love running outside but at the gym I use the adaptive motion trainer which is awesome and I believe that is helping me with my endurance when I run outside and helps me run without stopping. Back at it this week and I have to look at my diet closer I think to see where I can and am willing to change it a bit. edited because I use of instead of have
  3. Grand canyon of Yellowstone
  4. I went to Yellowstone...just got back yesterday it was an awesome time with equally awesome views the one below is at big horn national forest we drove through we are above the clouds trip was fun but played hell with my fear of heights lol
  5. Happy Fathers day to my Dad (who passed away in 2008) I miss you and you are still on my mind (Picture from high school graduation eons ago lol)
  6. I never read it either but I dont read any self help books they just dont hold my attention long (oh look a rabbit) I do read but it is mostly horror or thrillers because they (if written well) hold my attention long enough.......I believe in whatever helps you quit..........the bottom line is Just dont put things in your mouth and light them on fire.......:)
  7. MY hubs kept a half empty pack in the freezer I think it is still there his reasoning was that if we didnt have any in the house it would be too tempting to go buy some but it becomes a choice when they are around. Most of the time I forget they are even in there as does he.
  8. ran 6.2 miles today did some squats....yesterday worked out at the work gym used the adaptive motion trainer (I like this one) then worked with weight exercises.
  9. Welcome :)
  10. Hi welcome :)
  11. here
  12. Frezflops

    Real Name

    ok Ill play Here frez other places frezlis have been called freeze and fritos at work as a kid my one sister call me strawberry shortcake not even sure why.....another called me ugly(not in a mean way just teasing sister way) My husband calls me dear until I remind him I am not a four legged animal(you probably can guess his response ;) lol)
  13. you got this :)
  14. my dogs lol new bush havent seen blueberries we can pick yet it is in a fenced in yard and the bunnies arent able to come in here...the fence is to keep duke from peeing on it lol
  15. working :(
  16. My blueberry bush is still alive :) my tomato plants are doing well my pepper plants are still alive and doing ok but I have not seen anything else pop up yet If this bush lives I am going to get another one and plant it next to this one
  17. I ran 6 miles yesterday and rode my bike today for 13.6 miles nice awesome ride :)
  18. Duke doesnt join in the frisbee game as much he likes to stalk lady and then chase after her and play a doggie version of tag your it around the tree in our yard and then race towards the deck which I believe is "glue" lol My pups are a hoot!
  19. I thought I would start a thread about the funny or entertaining things our pets do, I will start. Lady just loves catching a frisbee she loves to jump for it and sometimes uses her paws to help catch it, I use the soft frisbees from the petco or walmart (I think the hard frisbees cant hurt her so I dont use them) She has so much enthusiasm when she plays it makes me smile :) and giggle :lol22:
  20. Welcome to the best quit smoking forum out there the people here are awesome support .....they give you the support you need to quit.......we got your back :)
  21. thinking of you and yours hugs to both of you
  22. I went to walmart and I overheard a child tell the people (I assume mom and grandma)to stop smoking already and of course they ignored her she wanted to go inside of course and was probably bored but it made me think yes your child is smart listen to her stop smoking already.......

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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