Hey Seasoned QTers,
I'm just shy of a 2 month quit and for the most part things are going well. I have no intention of smoking, so this is not a SOS of that nature, but I would really appreciate your insight on a couple things that are bothering me. I'm wondering...
When can I anticipate those sporadic, out of the blue hard cravings (or whatever they are) to stop? Maybe month 4 or 5? There isn't a specific time of day they hit, like mornings or after meals, it's just random. They're intense and I want them behind me soon! So, when did they lessen for you?
When do mood swings even out? I don't mean that junkie anxiety kind of thing during hell week. More like...I can go from happy go lucky to tears or frustration in short order and it's disturbing. I will say it's getting better, but shouldn't I be past this by now? Did you guys have these blasts or spikes of short-temperedness or tears and if so, when did it ease up? And it's not always when faced with a stressful situation. I can be alone on a treadmill, music and endorphins pumping and bam!....tears. Maybe it has nothing to do with addiction recovery....which is mighty scary too.
I just want to feel better...solid. And I want to know how much longer I can anticipate this shaky ground. Thanks everyone!