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About leahcaR

  • Birthday September 7

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    peace and love :)
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  1. dear leahcar       Rachael     I hope your ok and smoke free  . please let us know   . you are missed here 

  2. W4d3. 1/4 done with 10 k app
  3. Way to go friend.
  4. Thank you everyone. Happy I made it to six months. Always envied people at six months for some reason.
  5. eh aside from wanting to run better a side effect of "having to clear my throat CONSTANTLY" was a factor in me not wanting to do it anymore. it was embarrassing to me. <3
  6. I kind of understand what you are saying. But not really. I know recently after the doctor news on monday I though "fu** a cigarette...that sounds good" and I watched someone light up....and then I realized there was nothing there for me. It stank. sure...they seemed to be having a good time. But I could see through it....I used to look like I wasnt miserable.. I used to look pleasant and like I was having a good time while smoking. You would have been able to tell nothing else other than I was having a good f***** time. And that is the trick it plays and now I can see through it. Does she look miserable? Did I? Absolutely not. because she is...and I was... telling herself lies while she smokes that cigarette. It offers nothing and we know that. miss it? I don't know that I would say that. If I thought it would help me enjoy or fix anything at all I would pick one up right now. But i know that it would not.
  7. alright life....that's enough lemons for now. Thanks!

    1. beacon
    2. deltawings


      Life: "Nah, that's okay, I'm not done having fun anyway." :D Not really, just kidding. I just made it up.

  8. Bye :( I'm keeping the ice cream truck though. Sadness
  9. Happy for you action
  10. leahcaR


    I wish this wasn't easier said than done: “Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight.” ― Benjamin Franklin It's more like this: “Don't worry. Worry is useless. I worried anyway” ― John Green
  11. leahcaR

    my day

    Well they are worried enough to skip the come back in six month thing and go right to biopsy. Throwing the cancer around like that's a possibility so I'm frightened.
  12. way to go!!! You are so awesome Jen!! :)

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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